President's Message
In late 2019 when COVID Pandemic started to spread around the world, China, Chinese inside and outside China including millions of oversea born Chinese in the West were and are still facing a
barrage of blame from unscrupulous media and some Western political leaders. These propaganda machines churning out huge amount of anti-China messages supposedly anti Communist targeting Chinese
Communist Party day in and day out under the banner of protecting Democracy, Freedom and Western Values. Underneath this barrage of distorted facts and lies they started a Cold War against China and
Chinese people. In fact, it was a replay of fear against Yellow Peril racism and war mongering as in the 1950s.
However, the facts are, over last 30 years, China and Chinese people including the CCP, have changed from a previously authoritarian and aggressive CCP to a peace loving, conciliatory, exemplary
and contributing world citizens participating constructively through various international world bodies including the United Nations. They have their shortcomings same as those in the West.
This revamped racism against China worldwide causes serious collateral damages to overseas Chinese living in Western countries around the world including death.
Chinese Australians are no exception. We suffer severely through marked deterioration of our Australia China relations. This causes wide spread economic and financial losses to many ordinary
Australians and they wrongly blame China and Chinese Australians for it. Attached a speech from one of our members Jenny Leong dated 4 February 2022 to illustrate our point.
Hence, we believe we can assist the Australian public including our political, financial and other community leaders to see the truth of matter and avoid further deterioration of the situation
created by some of our leaders. We have our community and Australian public at heart. We voice for true democracy, freedom, mutual understanding, respect, tolerance, constructive diplomacy and peace
initiatives with love for all regardless in our society and the world at large and NO WAR especially with China. No one is perfect and war only creates more conflict than solving it.
My special thanks go to Tony Pun, my Co-coordinator and President of Chinese Community Council of Australia (CCCA )who supported me to form this Chinese Australian National network, the "National
Chinese Australian Leadership Group" (NCAGL) to voice our concern together with CCCA and many others who wish not to be named.
Dr Ka Sing Chua
National Co-Coordinator, National Chinese Australian Leadership Group
National Council Member, MAPW; International Councillor, IPPNW
Peace cannot be achieved by force but understanding.
25 November 2021 | CCCA (Image: Sunguk Kim)
Following the telephone call between President Xi and President Biden, the world has retreated from the brink of a nuclear holocaust, should be rejoiced by all peace-loving people of the world.
Despite the rhetoric that has been going on in Cold War 2, there are signs that the US-China relations would thaw when two superpowers agreed to collaborate with climate change and avoiding
conflict and the Cold War.
Although no joint communique or some resolutions of difference were ironed out, the diplomatic dialogue at the highest level between the two countries is a pre-requisite for future “pow wows” to
resolve conflicts and difference in a pragmatic and civilized manner through high level diplomacy.
The latest collaboration on the desk is Biden asking China to join in getting crude oil prices down.
Another important event after the Xi-Biden ‘summit’ was the remarks from another wise counsel and elder statesman, Henry Kissinger who said: “The necessity for both sides is to see whether from
that position they can move to a pattern in which disputes are mitigated and in which they realise a victor is not possible without a risk of destroying humanity.”
Meanwhile at home, our political leaders have been unusually quiet on the Xi-Biden telephone call as if it did not exist, despite the intensive reporting of the event worldwide and in the
Australian media.
Supporters of AUKUS who talked up the imminent war with China, claimed that we had an obligation under the ANZUS treaty to join US if she goes to war with China. Our former PM Paul Keating made a
great effort in the National Press Club (video available) in informing ordinary Australians of his view on the subject and debunked the rationale of those who wanted a war between US and China based
on the Taiwan issue.
We have discussed in previous opinion piece that Australia will be pushed to a corner if we do not have an independent foreign policy and we will be standing alone in the Asia pacific holding the
poison chalice. Recent articles by Geoff Raby and former foreign Minister Bob Carr and other commentators have joined in the debate on this issue.
Keating has chided both political parties during his interview at the National Press Club and it seems that the major political parties, are not speaking against war and the freezing of
Australia-China relations. Domestic NGOs such as IPAN, has now joined in the opposition to war and improvement in the Australia-China relations. A new development in Australia, is the
rise of a political voice against war and the freezing of the Australia-China relations. On this issue, we quote Robert Barwick of the Australian Citizen Party:
The Australian Citizens Party wants friendly cooperation between Australia and China
The Australian Citizens Party (ACP) is a political party established in 1988 to campaign for economic policies to raise living standards in Australia. It welcomes migrants into Australia from all
nations, and value their contribution they can make to the nation. The Citizens Party wants Australia to have an independent foreign policy, not dependent on the USA or UK, which emphasises economic
cooperation with our neighbours. It oppose the dangerous hostility that too many politicians are now expressing towards China, and their talk of war, which would be a disaster for the whole world.
China is our biggest trading partner, and we should seek avenues for friendly cooperation. We believe that peace comes through cooperation on economic development. From the beginning the Citizens
Party welcomed China’s Belt and Road Initiative as an amazing opportunity for economic cooperation–we believe Australia should join with the majority of the world and participate in the BRI. By
investing in advanced rail and port infrastructure to connect Australia more closely into Asia, we could massively expand the export of high-value agricultural and manufacturing goods to our Asian
neighbours, which would be of enormous benefit to the whole region.
This video shows clearly about who gains from our loss in China exports:
We hope there will be a swing in Australian public opinion about Australia-China relations led by the thawing of the US-China relations. It is not too late to change direction of our foreign
policy if not independently then the next best thing to do is to realign our direction with President Biden.
The world nearly came to the brink of a nuclear holocaust when Governments in Taiwan and Australia were beating the war drums as if they were goading both US and China into a war over Taiwan. The
Xi-Biden telephone conversation moves the world away from the brink of a nuclear disaster despite critics say it was just a public show for both Leaders. However, we hope that the hot line has been
re-established between China and US and this line of communication would serve as a “sprinkler system” to spray out any geopolitical hot and smoky spots. Our hope is both Xi and Biden, continue in
their joint effort to promote peaceful coexistence and a better world for all inhabitants of planet earth.
A postscript to commentary 48 and 49
The world is currently going through an unprecedented period of uncertainty with the COVID pandemic. We are, as if living in a war zone. So far, we have lost over 5 million people and counting to
this COVID pandemic. But don’t forget, we also have lost far more through different illnesses, man-made and natural disasters and merciless wars.
Surprisingly the best country that overcomes the COVID pandemic so far with best result is China, considered the mortality and the huge 1.4 billion population that China has to look after. She
must have done something better that is worth other country to learn from in this pandemic. A nation is better governed by scientific knowledge and social science combined with the civilised rule of
laws. China is not the best example of that by all means but she is aiming for that according to her stated policies. Human governance has come a long way since the establishment of United Nations in
1945. We have noted many well governed countries around the world that can be the exemplary models for other to follow. The list of best liveable nations by the assessment of United Nations every
year can be a good guide.
We all are human. We all make mistakes. Hence, we must stop the blame game and stop trying to demonise one another. We must prepare to learn from one another and help one another out so that we
can all benefit from our human achievement and civilization. Our world is but one nation and her peoples one citizen. We are all one family of human beings. We are a huge multicultural global family.
We have to learn to live in harmony and tolerance as we all make mistakes. We can correct our mistakes and move on to live a better live among the huge multicultural family under the United Nations.
We have to learn to help one another in times of natural and man-made disasters. The haves have to learn to help those who are suffering and in need of help. The Ables must learn to help those
Disables of whatever the reasons. We have to help them to help themselves with education and rules of laws etc. We have to learn to solve our differences through constructive dialogue and diplomacy.
We have to learn to settle our conflicts via civic process of civilised laws and orders and properly set up International Judiciary systems. Differences and conflicts are never settled through
violence and wars. In fact, violence and war always aggravate and create more differences and conflicts. Real peace can only be achieved by understanding and mutual respect. It can never be achieved
by wars. Any war potentially can be the seed of another war as it can create so much hatred and vengeance due to the weakness of human relations. And we all suffer from the war one way or another.
Common humanity suffers from it.
Appeal for peace is universal. It can heal hatred and vengeance. It can lead to better understanding between human beings. Most important aspect of peace is it can achieve better equality,
freedom, democracy, justice, fairness, good governance and rules of laws. It is the best tool to bring in reforms to alleviate pandemic, climate changes, poverty and man-made or natural disasters. It
also has the almighty power of healing human’s differences in religions, ideologies, racism, education, cultures and languages etc among our global multicultural communities.
We all share a common civilization in this most liveable planet and have the responsibility of looking after it and not destroying it by force and war.
Global citizens should know that we have enough combined resources in the world to house, feed, educate, provide health and shelter and a happy home like you and me who are privileged to have them
now. We have so much wastages in those countries who haves a lot to give but not giving. We have the statistic through the United Nations to show that if we all work together fairly and justly under
the almighty Charter of United Nations, we can learn to share our rich talents and resources to create a fairer and happier world for every one of us and every child that is born and not just some of
us and some of our children who are born into this beautiful planet earth.
With Blessings to all.
“Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.” – Albert Einstein
Principal authors, Dr Anthony Pun and Dr Ka Sing Chua. This commentary is supplied by the Chinese Community Council of Australia Incorporated, the views expressed in this article are those of the
Dear fellow Global Citizens
We have been calling for all countries in the world to join in for democracy, equality, human rights , justice and rule of laws and follow the peaceful Charter of United Nations.
Members of United Nations especially the developed nations should in all conscience, practise what they preached by examples.
All conflicts and disagreements should be solved by peaceful diplomacy and persistent dialogue. One of the most important elements of democracy, freedom of expression and rule of laws is to be able
to agree and disagree and let the justice for all to be decided by fair rules of laws through various democratic Institutions that UN and other jurisdictions have set up etc. The Security Council of
UN is the place to argue the case to start with. Coercion of United States and Allies , NATO, G7, G8, ASEAN, APEX, Russia and China Allies etc should be avoided. False propaganda will not solve the
problem and only serve those who are blinded with power and greed. Similarly, any conflict will not be solved with war, be it domestic or cross countries disputes.
We are networks for peace and harmony; shared development and prosperity for all nations. If US and Allies are going to war with China on their claims of democracy, freedom, human rights and
authoritarian politics, they could have gone to war with lots of ASEAN, East European, African countries, not to mention Russia and North Korea long before.
Great majority of Americans and the people of their allies if given a real free and democratic choice to decide if they wish to go to war with any country by a referendum , I believe and have been
proven time and time again with polls that over 70% will tell them not to go to war with any country, let alone China and Russia combined with potential of a devastating suicidal war for humanity
that will affect all fellow global citizens no matter where you reside.
Prove me wrong Mr Biden and any other leaders who advocate war?
Most ordinary people are kind and family people. They wish to have a peaceful, secured and happy life for themselves and their families. They enjoy shared harmony, development and prosperity
regardless of their backgrounds, races, religions and cultures.
We all to be loved to be kind and simple ordinary people. And we are now a global family, trying to solve any pandemic, problems related with our economy, climate changes etc. Human makes mistakes
but that can be amended through education, dialogue and proper, fair and just rules of laws. Since the establishment of United Nations in 1945, many countries and their peoples have shown by examples
that we all can do it.
Yes, we can without any more war and live happily with one another in peace and harmony ; shared development and prosperity for all of us and not just some of us.
Take care ; stay safe and work for PEACE and all of the above aims and objectives.
Dr Ka Sing Chua
President , www.huarenworldnet.org
National Council Member, MAPW www.mapw.org.au
International Councillor, IPPNW www.ippnw.org
487 Mitcham Rd Mitcham 3132
Victoria Australia
Media Release 20 Feb 2021
Chinese Community Council of Australia Inc
National Chinese Australian Leadership Group
All enquiries to Dr Tony Pun OAM by email: tonypun@hotmail.com
Peaceful Co-existence in South China Seas is good for all of us..
The most reliable evidence of geopolitical change, ie. Australia-China relations, is the public announcement of community grants under the National Foundation for Australia China Relations (a DFAT
initiative) for the improvement of Australia-China relations.
This pivotal change can play a role in diffusing the tensions in the South China Sea (SCS) and silence the war drums in the Asia Pacific – as peace in the region would bring economic prosperity
for all.
In Australia, we are fortunate to have a daily blog started by Mr John Menadue AO, whose P&I journal articles have become the national household word and an alternative voice of reason /
public conscience on many Australian public issues.
We can begin to tell the SCS stories with two articles written by Sam Bateman as follows:
The first article is "No need to rock the boat in the South China Sea" .https://johnmenadue.com/sam-bateman-no-need-to-rock-the-boat-in-the-south-
china-sea/| On 14 March 2018
In the wake of Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s visit to Washington, there has
been renewed pressure for Australia to undertake assertive freedom of navigation operations
(FONOPs) in the South China Sea. It has also been suggested that France and the United
Kingdom should undertake joint patrols in the South China Sea to push back against China.
The second article Understanding American Freedom of Navigation Operation (FONOP) in the South China Sea | https://johnmenadue.com/sam-bateman-
sea/ On 5 October 2018
The recent encounter between American and Chinese warships in the South China Sea could
be the fore-runner of more serious incidents unless both parties show more restraint.
Michael Lacey commented: Western, American and European — colonialism is strictly responsible for the current, incendiary sovereignty battle in the South China Sea. It’s the West that came up
with most land borders – and maritime borders — of these states.
They attracted two readers' comments worth quoting below:
Vincent Cheok commented:: He quotes ex-Malaysia PM Mahathir who saw China (1) as having any territorial intent beyond what it saw as its ‘sea’ from antiquity, and that China had traded and
related with its ASEAN neighbours for over 2000 years without conquering them and (2) China has always maintained that the navigation mercantile trade routes through the SCS will always be open and
free, as in antiquity.
This is followed by two articles by Mark J Valencia first on 3 January 2021: US allies may tempt fate in South China Sea https://johnmenadue.com/us-allies-may-tempt-fate-
Peaceful Co-existence in South China Seas is good for all of us..
Media Release 20 Feb 2021
Chinese Community Council of Australia Inc
National Chinese Australian Leadership Group
All enquiries to Dr Tony Pun OAM by email: tonypun@hotmail.com
China is feeling increasingly cornered–both politically and militarily in the South China Sea.
The presence of US allies’ navies and in particular the joining of US FONOPs there will
exacerbate that sense of desperation and perhaps prompt a kinetic response from China.
They need to weigh carefully the consequences of tempting fate in the South China Sea.
The second article by Mark Valencia,19 Feb 2021, written after we have a new US
Diplomatic finesse in the offing? Possible modifications of Freedom of Navigation
Operations under Biden https://johnmenadue.com/diplomatic-finesse-in-the-offing-
For years the US has purposely conceptually conflated freedom of navigation for commercial
vessels with its claimed freedom for its military assets to threaten and probe weaknesses in its
opponents’ defences including those of China.
The moves and counter-moves in the SCS by two powerful players could dangerously end up
in a hot war and possibly a nuclear war with no winners. Solving the SCS conflicts among
the affected countries through pragmatism and diplomacy is the only safe way forward.
We Chinese Australians hope that Asian nations of the SCS, together with President Biden,
President Xi will work harmoniously to sort out their differences. We have hope after a
"friendly" pragmatic and diplomatic Lunar New Year exchanges between the two leaders
whose actions can influence the faith and well-being of the people in this planet. We also
hope Australia can play a positive peace-maker's role in the SCS which she can be very good
Dr Anthony Pun, OAM, Foundation President, CCCA Inc.
Mr Kingsley Liu, President, Chinese Community Council of Australia Inc.
Dr Ka Sing Chua, National Coordinator – National Chinese Australian
Leadership Group including , Sam Wong AM
May Hu OAM , Michael Yau OAM, Daphne Lowe Kelley, Dickson Maxk,
James Leung, Lee Xj Li, Maria Chan,
Shirley Huang, Tony Tang Junxi Su, Kee Guan Saw, Khoon Tan, and Dr
President's Message
United we stand, divided we fall.
Voice of the Chinese Australians No 21 4 June 2021
Looking at this this topic: How does a Chinese person living in Western countries cope with seeing media that is almost 100% negative to China?, published in the American Quora blog , it is
evident that the strain of living overseas as citizens (citizen by birth or acquired) of US, Canada, UK, Australia and NZ have much in common to share when their country’s relationship with China
deteriorates spirally down to a frozen and fractured state.
In an answer given by Eric Lee on “Why do some overseas born Chinese support China?
she gave her experience living in New York which have many similarities in Australia. Her predicament is common to all ethnic Chinese diaspora communities living in the Five Eyes countries
If you believe in University of Chicago, Prof. John Mearsheimer (a recent CIS talk) on US-China relations, then one can understand why the US’s attitude to China. According to Mearsheimer, US
will contain China with whatever means to prevent it from rising - just simply due to hegemon geopolitics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRlt1vbnXhQ,
Prof Mearsheimer’s theory is consistent with the Trump starting, the tariff (trade) war, tech war, cold war etc/ with China. In Canada, it escalated to the arrest of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou and
banning of 5G in Australia. Despite a change of Presidency from Trump to Biden, the policy remained.
The collateral damage to the Chinese living in the US, Canada and Australia is far more extensive than UK or New Zealand. In Australia, the rise of xenophobia and the unwillingness of Chinese
Australians to speak up or even make moderating comments against the right-wing narratives of some political leaders and media is due to a fear of prosecution by the national security laws currently
in place. These issues are potentially damaging our social cohesion internally and with mainstream white communities.
We, therefore as a community would wish to declare the following:
(1) We are loyal Australian citizens and acting in Australia’s national interest.
(2) We believe in democracy and freedom of speech.
(3) We also believe in our value system, the rule of law and the Westminster system of Government. “However, we also believe the Westminster system is not the only system that is just, truly
democratic, and in the best interest of all nations in the world.”
(4) Being of Chinese origin, we are naturally empathetic towards the Chinese people, but we also act independently of the Chinese government or the CCP.
(5) We are a peace-loving community and wish to see a good relationship between Australia and China because we believe such relations would bring peace and prosperity to all in the Asia Pacific.
We are descendants of the Han civilization of more than 4,000 years and we are strongly linked to China by our culture and race but not politics or religion. It is only natural that we are empathetic
to the Chinese people everywhere because we also accept and understand about the century of humiliation of China in the last century. We just want the ordinary Chinese people to be able to rise again
with their dignity and heads high, and play their productive, responsible and contributive role in the world, no more no less. China is not a hegemon!
When we spoke well of China, please do not accuse, and belittle us as Panda Huggers, Reds or another other unwelcome stereotype. We just want peaceful coexistence and a prosperous future for
our descendants. Our security Chief Mike Burgess said 99.9% of the diaspora community has got nothing to do with the CCP.
There are people who consider the CCP evil and the Chinese government as a totalitarian government. They are entitled to their views. Perhaps a better understanding of China and her
history would make them less critical.
To those fellow Chinese who have an adverse view of the CCP, we respect your views and understand how and why you have these views. However, please remember when they attack a Chinese in
public, they will not ask you whether you are from PRC, Taiwan, HK, Singapore, Malaysia or any SE Asian or English-speaking countries or whether you are pro- or anti-communists. You all look the same
to them. Those who prostitute themselves thinking it could bring some favours are only deluding themselves. Racist’s motto - one size fits all. Hence, we need to be united in purpose as a group
of overseas born Chinese living in Australia.
Do not despair, for there are countless millions of good people in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and NZ, who empathize with us and speak up for us. However, we must help ourselves before others can
move to help us. Social cohesion and community harmony is a shared goal for these nations. We promote PEACE and shared humanity for all human races.
Authors: Dr Anthony Pun, OAM (CCCA Foundation President), Kingsley Liu (CCCA President, Dr Ka Sing Chua (CCCA Senior National Adviser) and Members of the Chinese Australian Leadership Group :
Sam Wong, AM, May Ho, OAM, Michael Yau, OAM, Daphne Lowe-Kelley, Dickson Mak, James Leung, Lee Xj LI, Maria Chan, Shirley Huang, Tony Tang, Junxi Su, Kee Guan Saw, Khoonb Tan, Dr Leimin Chen Y
Dr Yit Seng Yeow
Almost one in five Chinese Australians say they have been physically threatened or attacked in the past year, according to a Lowy Institute survey released today.
President of the Chinese Australian Forum, Jason Li says the findings of the report are very concerning and calls for national leadership to tackle the rise of racism towards Chinese
“As Australia grapples with a more assertive China, we must ensure we do not empower racism or distrust against Chinese Australians who have been part of Australia society for centuries,” Mr
“The Australian Chinese community is highly diverse in its places of origin, political views, languages and attitudes towards the PRC. It cannot be seen as a monolithic whole.
“Chinese Australians were always going to be sandwiched in geopolitical tensions with the PRC. How we manage the rising distrust towards 1.4 million of our fellow Australians will be a significant
test of our multiculturalism and our values as an open, liberal society.
“We call for national leadership to tackle distrust and discrimination against Chinese and Asian Australians. We need to tell the stories of how Chinese Australians and other migrants have shaped
our country to ensure these are part of our national stories. We need to urgently boost the representation of Asian Australians and other minorities in Australian leadership. Fundamentally, We need
to assert that being Australian is something inclusive in which people of all backgrounds can find a sense of belonging.
“All institutions should have a diversity strategy that aspires for the organisation, and its leadership, reflects the makeup of the Australian community.
“Providing some reassurance is the finding that 7 out of 10 Chinese Australians feel a sense of belonging to Australia and are generally accepted as part of Australian society. This vindicates the
strength of Australia’s multiculturalism that we need to celebrate and defend.
“Further 40 percent said they experienced support from the broader Aust community because of their Chinese heritage. And the overwhelming majority of Chinese Australians also considered Australia
a good place”
About Chinese Australian Forum
The Chinese Australian Forum (CAF) is a non-partisan body established in 1985 to fight racism and to improve the engagement of Australians of Chinese heritage in Australian society. We aim to build a
harmonious and socially cohesive Australian society. To celebrate Chinese New Year, CAF profiled 10 Chinese Australians who have helped to shape our country.
Media Contact
Get in touch with a media representative below:
风云突变2020的思考一大道之行也天下为公 作者蔡家声
我们这一代的知識份子真得很幸运.我们可以看透几千年人类文明发展的历史, 智慧和人类社会的演变.
希望从中吸取经验教训!从很原始扑素的生活到极端繁华的生活;有极端贫穷; 有极端的侈奢; 有极端擁抱和平; 有极端爭权奪利残暴的战爭; 有擁抱大公无私者; 有自暴自棄的恐佈份子; 有互助互爱社群的; 有极端自私自利偽善的; 有令人响往的幸福国度; 也有极端可怕独栽腐败的政权和民不聊生的国度等等.
我左思右想!为何有人可以这么聰明;这么笨; 这么明智; 这么糊塗; 这么善良; 这么残暴; 这么慷慨; 这么自私; 这么贫穷; 这么富有; 这么民主仁政; 这么独栽残暴等各种人品都有. 为什么?
我上上下下,左思右想,不断思考, 终於悟出了几个道理来. 在此和各位读者分享; 敬请指教讨论, 謝謝
(一)人非聖賢; 谁能无过; 知錯能改; 善莫大焉! 教育!
(二)To err is human; to forgive is divine! 谁能无过,人與人之间要互相包容谅解!教育!
(三)制约权力; 制约贪腐; 才会有好政府好人民好生活! 教育!
(四)建立一个健全公平公正民主的法制社会和国度! 教育!
(五)大道之行也天下为公! 教育!
社会要穩定, 国家要好好发展管理, 人民才能过上长治久安幸福的日子!
世界各国必须友好相待,互助互惠, 和平共处! 重点是国际大家庭里也要穏定,也要好好发展管理, 也必须建立一个健全公平公正民主的法制国际社会和国度;制约权力, 制约贪腐, 这样世界各国也才会有好政府好人民好生活!所谓大道之行也天下为公,那就是各国的首脑们也要以身作则,遵守法制,制约权利,制约贪腐, 这样才能夠预防, 避免和消灭战爭!
能否?能! 好教育! Big ask? Yes, but we have the solutions! We can do it.
Best wishes for a Healthy, Successful and Happy New Year with family and friends.
A pivotal decision by PM Morrison can rekindle Australia China relations
Prof Chris Nyland article in John Menadue caught our attention when he wrote that “the share of Chinese students who have applied to study in Australia next year is 53% of all international
students, a jump from 27% last year.
Australian universities may come to regret the end of the Trump presidency
By CHRIS NYLAND | On 25 November 2020
It was reported in the media that Chinese students were encouraged to go elsewhere other than Australia. However, these figures were backed up by the Mitchell Institute which reported
that whilst the number of international students applied to study in Australia plummeted in 2021, the number of Chinese applicants rose proportionally higher.
Prof Nyland has given major reasons for the rise and they are summarized here (for details see the original article).
1. Chinese post-covid19 economy rebounded quicker than any country in the world and Australia has managed the pandemic well.
2. The Trump’s executive order in imposing stricter visa conditions in the US has compelled Chinese students to look elsewhere.
3. Chinese government continues to allow parents to decide where to send their children for overseas education and overseas graduate still gets premium salaries.
4. China continues to build a knowledge-based society and education is the best investment.
Prof Nyland has given good advice to our Australian education establishment and government which should take advantage of these reasons to restore the Australian education to its formal glory as a
great export income earner. However, he did analyse the pro and con of towing the American line.
Following our numerous opinion pieces appealing for sensible and constructive diplomacy, we are pleased to see that there appeared to be some change in the geopolitical winds in the
Australia-China relations. We hope this could be the start for the thawing of the frozen relationship for the following reasons:
1. The statements by our PM Morrison in London, reported in the SMH, are most welcomed by the 1.2 million Chinese Australians. Changes coming from the top of the Australian
leadership will be very much appreciated and remembered by the Chinese Australian community.
"Happy coexistence": Scott Morrison offers China an olive branch in London speechhttps://www.smh.com.au/world/europe/happy-coexistence-scott-morrison-offers-china-an-olive-branch-in-london-speech-20201123-p56hae.html (24Nov2020)
Australia will not be "deputy sheriff" in US-China tensions, Morrison declares (SMH 23 Nov 2020)
2. The signing of the RCEP by Australia, China, Japan, Korea, New Zealand and 10 ASEAN nations is a good sign as we opinionated last Saturday. Its growth will eliminate
poverty, generate shared responsibility and prosperity and most importantly ensuring peaceful development for all.
3. China bashing articles has been diminishing and the anti-China rhetoric has been toned down significantly.
However, action speaks louder than voice. We hope the return of the Chinese students and trade etc will stir PM Morrison into action. It could be the turning point of the Australia-China relations
and its return to normalcy would guarantee a rapid post-covid19 economy recovery for Australia. Australia can be a great peace mediator and constructive diplomacy excels gunboat diplomacy anytime
anywhere. Australia and China must now rekindle their past friendship and let the useful dialogue begins.
Dr Anthony Pun, OAM, Foundation President CCCA & National Coordinator NCALG
Mr Kingsley Liu, President, CCCA
Dr Ka Sing Chua, National Senior Adviser, Chinese Community Council of Australia.
National Chinese Australian Leaders Group:
Maria Chan, Shirley Huang, Dickson Mak, Daphne Lowe Kelley, James Leung, Lee Xj Li, Tony Tang, Tony Pang, Mark Wang, Kee Guan Saw, Junxi Su, Khoon Tan, Michael Yau
OAM. Li Zhang, May Hu, OAM. Sam Wong AM
No place for any xenophobic propaganda in Australian society.
After watching a video clip of Alan Jones broadcast on. Skynews “Australia should ‘take back the land’ from China as damage’, my initial reaction of anger turned into sadness that the country of
my adoption has gone so far and deep in hurting its citizens of Chinese descent for no logical reasons at all.
Alan Jones has surpassed all extreme racial commentators in Australia, including Pauline Hanson, Clive Hamilton, Geoff Blainey and some other Australian media, for spreading hatred and racial
stereotyping against China and Chinese Australians. His flawed understanding about COVID19 and his conclusions drawn are so irresponsible and irrational, that it has attracted a cohort of
interviewers, viewers and encouraged their blatant expression of racism of the worse kind that can be unleashed on-line and on the street with collateral damage to the 1.2 million Chinese and Asian
Australians. Such damages include racial public hate speech and violence that ASIO has warned us recently.
Alan Jones has outdone even President Trump on this occasion. At least, Mr Trump, the most powerful man in the western world, and who made the remarks about “the Chinese virus” but had
been subdued in his later remarks on cable TV when he accepted the gifts of medical equipment from “his Chinese friends” Mr Jack Ma (of Alibaba) and Mr & Mrs Tsai. We don’t expect Mr
Jones to backdown.
A big question is asked of Alan Jones if that is the case, the US should also pay for the H1N1 virus bill and other pandemic arising from US. As for foreign ownership: US, UK, Belgium and
Japan are the four biggest with China ranking 9th with 1.8% of total foreign investment. China is not robbing Australian companies or people but actually helping Australia to stay off recession for
last 30 years providing jobs and food on their tables. Australia has prospered with her trade with China and would Alan Jones ask his followers to return all benefits of the last 30 years? Can
Australia economic recovery be sustainable without trade with China (minus 30% exports including education/tourism)
The Chinese Community Council of Australia on behalf of the 1.2 million Australians, appeal to all fellow Australians and our political leaders to take positive steps in discouraging hate speech
and racists behaviour in our community.
As Australians, we want a fair go and preserve our community harmony. We support Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition leader Anthony Albanese and the National Cabinet calling for all
Australians to unite to defeat our common enemy Coronavirus pandemic. It is not the time for blame but to help one another with love and kindness and restore our healthy and prosperous multicultural
society for all Australians.
Dr Anthony Pun, OAM National President CCCA Dr Ka Sing Chua National Senior Advisor CCCA
The world is but one nation and her citizens, one country.
Since December 2019 when China was plagued by a new Coronavirus epidemic, the whole world was watching with anxiety and uncertainty as what will happen to other part of the world outside
China. The whole world then went topsy-turvy. It soon realises that this Coronavirus epidemic is not confined to China. WHO steps in to monitor the whole world's situation for all of us and finally
declared that a world emergency pandemic of this disease has emerged. It is a sad story as peoples around the world, initially trying to blame China and Chinese people for the spread of
this Coronavirus epidemic. It is now realised that the epicentre of the disease can be anywhere. It is now not in China but in Europe. There is a possibility that it may shift to USA. The whole world
is now trying to grapple with its spread and containment in order to prevent further mortality that it brings on to some of our unfortunate fragile fellow citizens.
Of course we should look at the whole pandemic as a whole world issue and should not pass the blame. As the Chief of WHO clearly stated that the Coronavirus is not China or Chinese virus. It knows
no border and it can occur and spring up in any part of the world just like so many of influenza viruses before this.
Every nation of the world , big or small , must learn the lesson that we all have to try to help one another in time of the pandemic like this. And for that matter, we should all learn to help one
another in time of any international disaster, be it natural or man-made. We , mankind , fellow citizens of the world, have suffered various international disasters through different
pandemics, earthquakes, bushfires, floods, severe summers and winters and last but not least the silly wars. The peoples have to learn these serious lessons from the history. That is how
humanity can advance and bad historical events can be contained.
The World is but one Nation and her citizens, one country.
Through the wisdom of human innovation, new sciences and technologies etc, we have the knowledge and ability to help one another to avoid, prevent and cope efficiently any international
disasters falling upon us. With our advanced knowledge on internet, communication around the world are provided with very convenient tools and technologies, which have made the world smaller and
brought peoples closer together. We can also plan together to solve the problems like the current Coronavirus pandemic.
The great old Chinese saying : " The Great Way forward is to create way for a fair and just Society for all peoples" , can still be used for the world today. The rulers of civilization all over
the world know that to maintain long-term peace and stability, we must use a set of civilized legal system fair and just to deal with the disputes and dissents of all circles of society. Peoples are
capable of living in harmony in such a society, regardless of their background, beliefs, cultures, languages, etc., and help one another with shared prosperity and peaceful development. However we
need an independent judiciary under the United Nations to set up a proper, fair and just, civilized legal system. Under such system of rule of laws, we can respect, tolerate and help
one another. We can live as a family with love, liberty, fraternity and happiness. That is the foundation of good government and governance, not just applies to USA, Australia, China but every
other nation big or small in this world.
Many countries in the world, with the assistance of the United Nations, have now embarked on this path. This is the greatest achievement in the history of mankind this century. With these
principles in mind, all rulers need not use force to cheat and kill one another or colluding with any horrible regime, fightiing for profit and even waging civil war and foreign wars.
We hope the world as a nation and her peoples, one country concept will propel mankind toward building a "Great Harmony World with universal civilized Rule of Law and Peaceful Development". No
matter how hard this road is, I believe we human have enough wisdom to create such a NEW World. Under the guidance of the United Nations's Great Charter and Constitution, we can restrict the powers
and actions of those rulers who do not obey the rules or the rule of law.
We believe , China will play a constructive role in creating such a New world with the West and East combined
Dr Ka Sing Chua
National Council Member, MAPW, International Councillor IPPNW
Dr Tony Pun OAM, National President, CCCA
President's Message
Bringing out your kindness, the common love and compassion for humanity from the bottom of your heart
2020 starts with some turbulent news that World War Three is possible and imminent to occur in the Middle East.
The rulers and politicians in charge on this planet and all the world citizens should continue to try to learn the spirit of what is the true meaning of freedom, democracy , equality,
fraternity and Happiness for all.
One of the simple ways is to practice himself or herself and not just preaching.
We need a set of just and proper International rules of laws. More importantly, we need a simple request to every politician and citizen to try to bring out the kindness, the common love and
compassion for one another and humanity from the bottom of their hearts. Is it so hard to do?
Please make that everyone's resolution for the year 2020 as the World Appeal for Peace.
Blessings from Heaven to the Earth.
With best wishes
Dr Ka Sing Chua
2020 为世界和平祈求
回头看看,201 9年就过去了,但是我们的世界是否有进步?我们的科技,医学,教育,物质等方方面面都在不断提升,然而根据联合国的数据,只有少部分的世界人口,主要分布在发迖的少数国家的人口才能够享受这些先进的福利成果。
目前世界上受战争,内战外战的影响下,有七千多万人口的难民在逃难漂流,无家可归,除蒙受家破人亡之苦外,过着生不如死的生活环境里,我们生活在舒舒服服的环境里有没有想到他们?这些是人祸造成的 ,有没有人考虑过,去协助调查解决这些人祸的问题?
除此之外,联合国UNOCHA还告诉我们目前最少有九千四百多万人生活在极贫穷的困境中面临着各种天灾的袭击如洪灾台风大火等,还有千千万万的老百姓也还生活在每天一至二美元的水平上,过着半饥饿的生活,又缺乏营养和医疗服务 等,很容易饿死病死,这些很多也是政治管理不当造成的。
根据Stockholm International Peace Research Institute 的调查,目前世界各国国防的开支高达一万八千二十二亿美元,你知道这 个数字如果用在世界上每个难民,每个半饥饿,极端贫穷人的身上,他们都可以过着健健康康快乐的生活。
我希望世界上所有国家领导人都要去好好学习如何管理好国家并且还能协助落后国家的老百姓也能享受人道的生活。西方进步国都整天强调要让每个人生来可以过着平等自由博爱和快乐,Equality, Liberty, Paternity and Happiness 的生活,特别是美国人。但是如何才能达到这样的治国理念呢?
有人会说这只能是梦想,幻想,但通过教育,我想人类的文明和平世界最终还是会到来的,到那时我们就可以每年剩下一万八千多亿美的国防开支,足够让世界上每个难民,穷困饥饿病痛等人民,过上安居乐业的日子。这是人类2020年及以后的最大的挑战! 我们这辈子可能看不到,但是我们子孙后代可以完成我们的心愿,都期待有这么一天。祝各位都能在新的一年里实现自己的心愿。
2020 The World Appeal for Peace
Dr Ka Sing Chua
Looking back, from 1945 to 2019, has our world made much progress? Yes, our science and technology, medicine, education, material richness, internet and many other aspects of life, are constantly
improving. However according to the data of the United Nations, only some of the world's population, in developed countries, can enjoy these advanced achievements.
Since World Wars ended, the world could have enjoyed a century of peace but due to human weaknesses, greed and power struggles, political immaturity leading to further invasive military
conflicts and civil wars, man made disasters continue to haunt us. The death toll is shockingly large. It totalled more than the death toll from the two World Wars combined. The fact is really
Moreover current existing military conflicts have created more than 70 million homeless refugees, fleeing and drifting around the world, apart from suffering the destruction of their families and
homes, they are living in hell like environments. Do we really think of them when we live comfortably in peaceful and luxurious environment? Has anyone ever considered helping to investigate
and solve these man-made disasters?
In addition, the UNOCHA data shows that more than 94 million people are living in extreme poverty, facing various natural disasters, such as floods, typhoons and fires etc and tens of millions of
ordinary people are still living on one to two US dollars a day with lack of nutrition and medical services, so they could easily died of starvation and illnesses. Many of these are caused by
political mismanagement and turmoil.
We should not try to blame anyone but we should explore the root causes so that tomorrow can be better for our poor brothers and sisters no matter where they live in this world.
Everyone wants to live a good life , in peace and contentment just like the people living in developed countries.
According to research by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, in 2019 , the defence spending of all countries in the world, adds up to a staggering US 1822Billion. Research shows that
if we use US 1822 billion wisely, we could help to settle all refugees, millions of poor people living in poverty and those who suffer from man made and natural disasters and more.
They can all live a healthy and happy life like us in the developed countries.
We in developed countries emphasize that everyone should be born with equality, freedom, fraternity and happiness.
We are taught to
respect , help, tolerate and accept one another living together in a multicultural world.
We have to learn to solve our disputes and differences through dialogue and International Rules of Laws and communicate with one another for peace and shared prosperity.
We have to learn to enjoy one another's company so that we can all live a beautiful, happy , peaceful life.
Some would say the idealism is just a dream, a fantasy, but through proper education, I believe that the civilization of humanity and peace of the world will
eventually prevail. This is the biggest challenge for mankind in 2020 and beyond! We might not be able to achieve it now but we can make a start and hope our future generations will continue to take
up the challenges. I am confident one day The World Appeal for Peace will be realized under the great Charter of United Nations and the fair and just rule of International Laws.
Finally I wish you all the best in your undertaking in 2020 and please join me to promote The World Appeal for Peace with blessings from Heaven.
1. 中美贸易战的影响
2. 美国伊朗纠纷的影响
这是根据中国的国情“大道之行也 天下为公 选贤与能”从基本草根人民中选出有才德兼备的贤能人才来代表人民参政议政!
Pay tribute to a liberal democratic and civilized Australian electoral system!
Dr Ka Sing Chua
The Federal election in Australia held on 18 May 2019 has finally come to an end! The Coalition Party, led by Scott Morrison, has won the federal election that the public thinks he would not have
won! Bill Shorten, leader of the Labour Party, was disappointed to lose the election that should not have been lost!
I congratulate Scott Morrison and his team, as well as Bill Shorten, who has had the chance to lead the Labour Party for nearly six years.
I like the liberal democractic and civilized electoral competition system of Australia! When the Labour leader Shorten knew he couldn't win that night, he accepted the defeat gracefully and
politely and congratulated Morrison on his election. Morrison, too, graciously thanked Shorten for his congratulations in his election victory speech. All parties generously accepted the final choice
of the Australian people!
I would also like to congratulate the two candidates running in the Federal lower seat of Chisholm namely Madam Liao Chan-ngo representing the Liberal Party for the Coalition and Madam Yang
Qianhui representing the Labour Party respectively. Both ladies have brought tremendous expectation to the Australian community especially the Chinese Australian community! Whoever wins the Federal
Representative in this seat will be the pride of our community! I send my blessings to both!
I again congratulate Ms. Liao who now stands to win in the end! She becomes the first Chinese Australian Federal Representative! I hope she will continue to serve the people well! Ms. Yang however
should not be discouraged,. She still has lot of opportunity in future if she continues to work hard and participate in politics. She can compete the seat again in three years' time at the next
Federal election.
Many Chinese may not know that our Australian system of democracy and civilisation, was adopted following hundreds of years of trial and courageous experimentation by Western democratic
institutions. It was also through countless of hardships, bloodshed and sacrifice that the transformation from a feudal civil war era to a modern democratic and civilized institution where political
power was transferred to opposition in peaceful manner. Many countries in the world are striving to move in this direction. Because this system is good for the people and the country!
Change of ruling party no longer has to be decided by force and armed civil wars. People now can adopt such a system with peaceful change-of-power through election system such as in Australia,
Britain, America, Japan and so on!
Moreover, after the election , the losing party members still have the chance to participate in the political affairs of the country. They can help to scrutinise the winning party to make them
accountable to the people they both serve. People from all walks of life who are in opposition to one and another during the election, gracefully accept the result of the election! Life goes on
for every one and live in peace as usual! If one does not agree with the result of the election, it can be handled peacefully according to the established legal processes and no need for
Unfortunately, there are still many countries in the world which are not democratic and civilized enough to embrace this system of governance. They still engage in riots and civil war
activities. Innocent people suffer, victimized and country ruined, for whatever reason, by the corruption of their selfish leaders who try to seize political power by force and killing one
Therefore, people of all walks of life in Australia should assist one another and cherish this system of peaceful change of governments. I also hope that more people all over the world will have a
chance to learn to embrace such a system and live in peace and security in a system of peaceful transformation, Then there will be no more civil wars. So please do not use war to settle
disputes over political dissent.
Tribute to Former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke
Dr Ka Sing Chua
The Honourable Mr.Bob Hawke, the former Prime Minister of Australia, just passed away. My esteemed friend in politics, please rest in peace. You may not be here, but your contribution to Australia
and the Chinese people will be remembered forever!
Remember in 2001, you were invited to our forum organised by the National Liaison Council of Chinese Australians- Chinese Australian Leaders' Gathering, held at the Melbourne City Town Hall, to
present a vision of the future of Australia and Asia and the contributions of immigrants, And on the same forum, your good friend, Prime Minister Gough Whitlam spoke too. This was a project to
celebrate the Centenary of the Commonwealth of Australia with Chinese contribution to Australia! You have given us much encouragement and hope!
This morning I received a letter of praise from Bill Shorten, the Opposition Leader of the Labour Party, which sums up your whole life and contributions to the country. I'm very impressed! I would
like to pay some of my tribute to you here.
You and the team have achieved long lasting benefit for Australia as listed below and more:
1. Medicare, Australia's National Health System, as a doctor, I understand more about the importance of Australia's National Health Service! You know this big principle well. If a country is to be
prosperous and secured, the greatest productive force comes from a healthy population and people can live healthy and happy lives
2. You have created a Superannuation system that allows every worker to have a good retirement fund without having to rely on old aged pension. It's amazing . This long-term plan will benefit the
Australian people as a whole for many years to come!
3. You have encouraged and promoted a policy of rejuvenating the nation by educating and enabling intelligent children to go to colleges and universities , rich or poor, and have produced many
talents for the country. There was a time when going to colleges and universities was free, even though it was the foundation of your friend Gough Whitlam!
4. You believe that Australia's development and future depend on Asia, because Australia is a part of Asia! You have created a very good communication bridge APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
Organization! This organization still plays a very important role today!
5. The protection of Australia's virgin forests and resources was also a major contribution through the adoption of the World Heritage Protection Act! Let the magnificent Franklin River remains
undamaged as one of the World Heritage Sites, etc., and support a range of environmental projects!
6. Officially positioning "Advance Australia" as the national anthem for Australia to replace " God save the Queen" The British national anthem! You've done your best for the Australian Republican
Movement too.
7. Before you became Prime Minister, as President of the ACTU, you advocated the following policies that make Australia internationally respected:
(i) Trade union organization is the sacred right of workers and the function of consultation
(ii) Opposing French testing of nuclear weapons in the Pacific
(iii) Against the Indochinese Vietnam War, your good friend Gough Whitlam helped to stop the Vietnam War when he came to power!
(iv) Against racial policy in South Africa! Former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser has also laid the groundwork for you
8. After taking office, you have also tried to implement a fair and just multicultural state policy in an all-round way! Oppose the revival of White Australian Policy! We should protect the rights
of the minority migrants and encourage them to respect each other and integrate into the mainstream! After the Tiananmen Square incident in 1989, you decided to pardon 40,000 Chinese students to stay
in Australia! This team has contributed a lot to the development of Australia-China relations today! Your efforts were not in vain!
9. After you quit politics, you have continued to promote Australia-China Relations. You are also one of the founders of the Asian Boao Forum held annually in Hainan, China, and have supported its
development. You have contributed a lot to the development of Asia.
Finally what I most admired is : no matter what and where you are, in high position or civilian, you are a dear and approachable good person! You said that yourself in one of your interviews
that is what you want people to remember you most. We respect you and wish you a happy journey on the road to heaven.
Dr Ka Sing Chua
National Board Member, MAPW
487 Mitcham Rd Mitcham 3132
Victoria Australia
Mobile +61 409838 388
The new Australian Political Turn? A Vote for the Labour or Coalition Party?
Dr Ka Sing Chua
The three-yearly Australian Federal Election will be held on May 18th 2019! Please cast your sacred vote for the party that will serve the peoples well with a long-term plan for the country!
Australia is a country of liberal democracy and legal system! This is the cumulative effort achieved by Australian people of all nationalities in the past 50 years! When Australia was under the
White Australian Policy, we should not forget that many ethnic minorities did not enjoy the right to vote, including our indigenous compatriots! So the first thing is to vote for the party which is
more insightful and resolute in implementing a tolerant multicultural state policy and its rule of law that all of us, including the white majority, support, to protect the equality and mutual
respect of our fellow citizens of ethnic minorities and to contribute to the welfare of Australia!
Over the past 50 years, there have been many visionary leaders in both political parties, including the Labour Party Gough Whitlam, Bob Hawke, Paul Keating, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, The Liberal
Party, like Menzies, Malcolm Fraser, Malcolm Turnbull, etc.,They have made great contributions in this respect and have taken a firm stand on it! However there are some leaders in the Coalition Party
who behave differently sometimes. They are opportunistic to obtain power that they are willing to drop those good principles of governance and cooperate with politicians like Pauline Hanson and
Clive Palmer in promoting racism.
A good multi-cultural state policy is the foundation of Australia's 21st century nation-building and should be non-negotiable. The migrants chose to emigrate to Australia because she has a very
stable, safe, free, democratic and legal society! All ethnic groups should be treated equally, regardless of their background! And there are fair and just legal safeguards!
Secondly, it depends on whether this political party will take care of all its citizens so that they can live and work in peace and contentment, have a place to live, a healthy life, grow up and have
a secure environment.. Australia is lucky. We basically have been able to do that for the past 50 years! No matter which political party is in power, if the quality of their leaders is good,
basically they will not deviate from these principles of good governance.
But in the past six years, the Coalition Party's record has not been so good! That's mainly because of the quality of their leadership with six years of disunity! Prime Ministership were
challenged and replaced three times within their party, fighting internally and not devoting all their energy to running the country! Something bad has happened! It allows some extreme racist parties
to take advantage! If we go on like this, the harmonious coexistence of all ethnic groups in Australia and a tolerant and mutually supportive living environment may be affected. There are also some
conservative and racist MPs in the Coalition Party who are openly working with the One Nation, Pauline Hanson and Clive Palmer's Party! They use disinformation to fool some of their followers.
The Coalition Party polls have lagged behind the Labour Party for the past three years, the biggest reason being the reason I mentioned above!
More over Australia under Coalition Party, has blindly followed the United States to suppress China for the past three years, allowing the media to run amok, accusing China of encouraging Chinese
Australian citizens to spy, interfering in Australian politics and subverting the Australian Government. Use the cold war mentality to cast fear and suspicion among the feelings of Chinese
Australians and general Australian public. This is a very bad move.
I really admire former Prime Minister Paul Keating, Kevin Rudd, Foreign Minister Bob Carr, Gareth Evans and other Labour elders for their insightful views on this issue! Ever since former Prime
Minister Gough Whitlam in 1972, has had the foresight to develop new Australian-China relations, the biggest beneficiary is the Australian people. Since then, the two major political party
governments have basically reached a consensus on the development of good Australian-China relations. But in the past three years, the Coalition Party has done badly in this respect!. What an
embarrassing situation we have in Australia-China relations now creating a lot of uncertainty and misunderstanding. Also it causes some Chinese Australian citizens to feel uneasy! The economy,
however good, does not necessarily lead to a happy life!
All in all, although there are still some good people with vision and quality in the Coalition Party, I believe in Labour Party this time as they are united and have presented some many good
reforms planning and policies to create a better, fair and just society. They also promised to have a new constructive Australia-China foreign policy, tax reform, health care, education, immigration,
welfare, and so on. I believe we should give the Labour Party a chance to govern this coming Federal Election.
Note : I am a non-partisan independent commentator who in different circumstances, have supported the two main parties in power to govern.
Creating a New Australia-China Relationship
New opportunities, new directions
Dr Ka Sing Chua
In the 21st century of civilization, we all hope to see every country of the world can live in a secured and stable environment. With mutual benefit, mutual help and win-win strategy,
all can live and prosper together, happily and peacefully.
Every country has its own characteristics. There are institutional differences and differences in living customs, cultural and religious beliefs, We must learn to seek common ground while
reserving differences. Learn universal values that are universally applicable to each other. Let the world proceed gradually to a common human destiny, the Great Harmony Way! Peaceful development is
the destiny of all human community! This is the general direction of world civilization that I know!
In the last 20 years of Australia-China relations, I believe we are also trying to move in this direction.
For the past two or three years, however, since President Trump took office, he has been a bit of a backslider, pushing only for America first! He have not even disregard the friendly opinion of
American's allies, and engage in unilateralism, secession practices, and want to dominate the world. He creates animosity against China and sanctions Russia and so on! Not to mention that the United
States has trampled on the Middle East and some small and weak countries, creating lots of Wars, Refugees and Turbulence! He recently even started trade war with long term allies EU! Not to mention
the trade war with China has not stopped hurting each other!
This lesson occurs in front of Australia's eyes. Australia should have the sense of propriety! The Australian leaders are not fools. Therefore, Australia should not follow America blindly. If not
careful, America may also steal some of the Australian market and interests!
The Prime Minister of New Zealand is smart! When she recently invited to visit China, she showed great grace and vision, She did not blindly follow the United States. She, for the sake of the
interests of the people of New Zealand, continues to make efforts with friendly exchanges with China on the basis of mutual benefit, mutual help and win-win strategy. She is willing to support
the general direction of China's peaceful development policy! Also she supports China Belt and Road initiatives!
Australia must not lag behind New Zealand!
Australia and China should strive to create a new type of Australia-China relationship, create new opportunities and take a new direction to lead Asia to the world. Establish an EU ASIA and build
a more practical alliance with Asia than just the APEC!
The people of Asia really need such an organization to lead the massive poor Asians out of poverty. And help create more secured, stable societies with fair share of world's prosperity. Also
help them to build fairer and just institutions and the road to civilization in peace, the common human destiny.
Australia and China have great potential for cooperation! With our vast market and population to service, our rich resources, technology, talents, intellectual and farsighted leaders, we can lead
all of Asia to a new century of peaceful development, mutual assistance with shared prosperity and a new era of common human destiny and civilisation. Will Australia and China dare to accept the
responsibilities and challenges of the 21st century?
President of World Huaren Federation
National Committee MAPW and Australian International Councillor to IPPNW; Friend of ICAN
www.mapa.org; www.ippnw.org; www.ican.org
On the Harm of One Nation Party Platform to Australia
Dr Ka Sing Chua
Last week I highlighted how determined New Zealands Prime Minister, Jacinda Arde rn, was to take a series of measures to prevent the recurrence of these extremely violent acts of violence, following
the violent acts of a extreme white supremacist in New Zealand. In addition she legislates stringent laws to control them, such as banning the use of military-style gun laws.
She also sets out to educate citizens about how to distance themselves from the influence of these terrorist extremists and to defend resolutely the correct, democratic and civilized multicultural
Australia is one of the most successful countries which created and promotes a national multicultural state policy. We are fortunate since the two Governments of Gough Whitlam1972 and Malcolm
Fraser1975 respectively worked together to create and promote this set of democratic, free and civilized national Multicultural State policy, Under the consensus of the two major political parties,
the successive Australian Governments are fully aware that the importance of this national policy that forms the foundation of the modern Australia's nation-building. They can only improve with the
times and must not give up. It can be said that in this 21st century, every country in the world should look to follow the Australia's successful national Multicultural State policy. Nowadays, the
world really has no certain national boundaries! We all know that all countries must be opened up so that people of different races, religions, beliefs, languages, backgrounds, etc. can visit,
travel, exchange, invest and develop and so on so that their countries can prosper. If we want to attract talent to help build the country, we must have a set of safety laws and security conditions
before people dare to come to your country and contribute their talents.
Almost every country today has citizens of all races, religions, beliefs, cultures, languages, backgrounds, etc, If the people of all walks of life are to live and work in peace and contentment
and to serve the country, a successful multicultural policy of this kind is necessary for long-term stability. The United Nations recently announced the figures of the World's happiest country
status and the top 30 countries all have such a set of multicultural policies and universal values. In addition to democracy, civilization and the rule of law, every citizen must be treated equally,
and people of all backgrounds must be educated in accordance with universal values and rules and laws, Under the non-discriminatory policies of race, religious belief, language and culture, mutual
respect, tolerance, cooperation and assistance , all citizens will then be happily serving their country, protecting their country, live and work in peace and contentment, and lead a happy life
What the One Nation Party in Australia has done since the founding of the Party has no constructive policy towards Australia. It is only by polarizing our fellow citizens that they have succeeded
in robbing a few seats in Australian Parliament because they managed to fool some ignorant and innocent voters to support them. They are good at creating conflicts among the people. With the
extreme ideology they promote, unfortunately, they are able and have created a few extremists of the mentally disturbed minority, Providing them with exposure of the media and daring them
to carry out Nazi-style extremist acts against ethnic religious groups and migrant minority. They laid down the breeding ground for the Australian extremist terrorists in New Zealand. So we
must warn, educate and stop these ignorant and innocent citizens from being influenced by these bad politicians, to follow the One Nation Party! They could be just another white hate-monger. I
believe that these unscrupulous politicians will be eliminated sooner or later by the people. Mark Latham, a newly elected New South Wales upper House MP for One Nation Party, is one such politician
we have to watch,. He used to be the leader of the Labour Party in Federal Parliament!
I hope Prime Minister Scott Morrison doesnt follow in their footsteps. If he goes down the road to Hanson, he will not going to end well.
The recent revelation that One Nation Party is going to co-operate with the United States National Gun Lobby Group to support them in their coming Australian Federal Election. It is a
shocking surprise. They apparently have the audacity to ask for $10 million campaign funds from NGL of US. With that fund One Nation hopes to win enough seats to control both the Lower
and Upper House of Australian Federal Parliament.This is the real danger of underminding Australian politics and state by foreign power and influence.
Australian well-informed politicians must not underestimate the harm that a small group of people, such as One Nation can do to Australian future social development. I call on all major poltical
parties to co-operate and put all candidates of the One Nation last at the next Federal election so that they will have no chance of being elected. We must determine to drive Members like Hanson out
of the Australian political arena once again. I hope Prime Minister Morrison will consciously cooperate with the Labour , Green Party and other Parties to put One Nation last in their ballots,
for the greater good of the country. We must not have any illusion on the extreme right in the Coalition Party either as they can cause just as much harm to our nation.
SO when the next federal election comes, we have to choose carefully and wisely, who are better fit to be the representatives of the people.
Great Harmony World, Great civilised Rule of Law, Peaceful Development!
Dr Ka Sing Chua
The world in the 21st century has seen many unexpected changes. Through the wisdom of human innovation, new technologies bring us much convenience. Especially in the areas of transportation and the
Internet, communication and communication around the world are provided with very convenient tools and technologies, which have made the world smaller and brought peoples closer together.
The great old Chinese saying : " The Great Way forward is to create way for a fair and just Society for all peoples" , can still be used for the world today. The rulers of civilization all over the
world all know that to maintain long-term peace and stability, we must use a set of civilized legal system fair and just to deal with the disputes and dissents of all circles of society. Such a
society is capable of peaceful development and the peoples living in such a society, regardless of their background, beliefs, cultures, languages, etc., which may be different from one another.
However under this set of fair and just civilization and legal system, we can respect each other, tolerate each other, help each other and live in harmony, and live a happy and peaceful life
Many countries in the world, with the assistance of the United Nations, have now embarked on this path. This is the greatest achievement in the history of mankind this century. With these
principles in mind, all rulers need not use force to kill one another, cheating one another, colluding with the Regime and fightiing for profit, even waging civil war and foreign wars.
The method to solve the disputes and dissents of the various factions of the people can also use the common civilized legal system to control these undesirable rulers! They are not ignorant but
selfish, cannot control themselves, so we must use the powerful rule of law to limit their abuse of power, causing harm to their people and their other bad behavior!
Mankind is moving forward on the road of building a "Great Harmony World, Universal civilised Rule of Law and Peaceful Development". No matter how hard this road is, I believe we human have enough
wisdom to create such a One World. Under the guidance of the United Nations's Great Charter and Constitution, we can restrict the powers and actions of those rulers who do not obey the rules or the
rule of law. That is why we have "peacekeeping forces, International Tribunals, sanctions rules of international law.
Although some people in many countries are still in dire straits, the Internet, with the innovative wisdom of mankind, will help continue to improve and improve each country's civilized
legal system and international civilized legal system by means of peaceful development.
So I am pleased to see that the disputes between Huawei of China and the United States can also be resolved through the civilized legal system. Western countries, including Australia, which pride
themselves to promote civilized rule of law, should also do so instead of using their military and financial strength to bully backward countries and encroach on the land and wealth of small and weak
countries as they have in the past. If we all adhere to a set of fair and just civilized system of governance, there will be hope for the Great Harmony World in the making eventually.
Dr Ka Sing Chua
World Huaren Federation
Australia should consider choosing a more suitable National Day of Australia
Dr Ka Sing Chua
Under British colonial rule, January 26 was chosen as Australia's National Day, which at the time was understandable and justifiable. However, since the Federation of Commonwealth of Australia was
established on 1 January 1901, Australia has basically declared itself independent. But it was a matter of honorary independence because the passage of most of the substantive laws and Federal acts,
were still essentially have to be ratified by the British Parliament and the Royal Family. It was not until Prime Minister Gough Whitlam took office in 1972 that the right of the highest appeal to
the British Supreme Court was finally terminated. And it was determined that the Governor General of Australia must be an Australian citizen, etc. Unfortunately, our Head of State has not
changed. It still belongs to the British Royal family.
Conservatives often boast that The Royal Family does not control the supreme power of the Australian Parliament. Why should we have to change it?
That is only half right, because constitutionally, through Australia's Governor General, the British Australian Head of State still control the highest power in the Australian Parliament,
including the highest military command. Although the present Governor General of Australia must be an Australian citizen, however if the Australian Constitution is not changed, Australia
constitutionally remains under the 'control' of the Head of State from United Kingdom.
I am very much in favour of changing the date of Australia's National Day because January 26th was the day (January 26th, 1788, ) when Captain Arthur Phillips landed in Port Jacksons which is
today Sydney. He raised the British flag, declaring Australia be the British Empire's colony. Aboriginals who lived in Sydney and around Australia were systematically killed, chased away from their
homeland and /or then enslaved, and subjected to assimilation policies whence many of their children were forcibly 'stolen' and segregated from their mothers and many were treated cruelly and
unfairly. It was not until the 1967 referendum that indigenous peoples were given equal rights to vote and citizenship.
In 2015, a National Sorry was declared by Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in Federal Parliament to those victims known as Stolen Generation
of the indigenous children who were forcefully taken away from their parents.
Of course, we will also not forget that Australia has a dark and sad era of White Australia policies which caused lot of suffering for many coloured migrants.
For the success and prosperity of modern Australia today, we will certainly not forget the contribution made by the British Government to the development of the Australian colonies in the past.
However, in the past 50 years, Australia has implemented a very successful non discriminatory, multicultural policy to accommodate immigrants from all over the world, with various religious,
cultural, coloured, traditions and language backgrounds. Without the change, Australia would surely have remained in the anachronism of the White Australia policy.
Therefore, in order to meet the demands of the civilised 21st Century and to keep pace with the times, many far-sighted Australians have proposed that Australia should change to a more
appropriate Australian National Day. A National Day that will be recognized by more than over 150 different ethnic, religious, linguistic and religious communities and celebrate together
without animosity from certain section of the community especially the indigenous people who remember the current National Day as Invasive Day when their land was stolen from them
I therefore very much agree with former Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett's recent proposal to change National Day to January 1. Whether through referendum or not, I hope that the Government and the
Opposition can reach a consensus that January 1 be declared the new National Day of Australia as that was the day Federation of Commonwealth of Australia was established and it is a very appropriate
date. I believe that the vast majority of Australians will support it.
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From: Ka Sing Chua <kasingchua@hotmail.com>
Sent: Friday, February 1, 2019 4:24:35 PM
To: lorien@au123.com
Subject: Re:
Dear Lorien
Here is the English translation for last week's commentary
Please upload to the website. Thanks
I am currently writing this week's article and will post it to you asap.
Dr Ka Sing Chua
National Board Member, MAPW
487 Mitcham Rd Mitcham 3132
Victoria Australia
Mobile +61 409838 388
From: Ka Sing Chua <kasingchua@hotmail.com>
Sent: Friday, 1 February 2019 5:03 AM
To: Ka Sing Chua
Australia should consider choosing a more suitable National Day of Australia
Dr Ka Sing Chua
Under British colonial rule, January 26 was chosen as Australia's National Day which, at the time, was understandable and justifiable. However, since the Federation of Commonwealth of Australia was
established on 1 January 1901, Australia has basically declared itself independent. But it was only a matter of honorary independence because the passage of most of the substantive laws and Federal
acts, were essentially still have to be ratified by the British Parliament and the Royal Family. It was not until Prime Minister Gough Whitlam took office in 1972 that the right of the highest appeal
to the British Supreme Court was finally terminated. And it was determined that the Governor of Australia must be an Australian citizen, etc. Unfortunately, our Head of State has not changed.
It still belongs to the British Royal family.
Conservatives often boast that The Royal Family does not control the supreme power of the Australian Parliament. Why should we have to change it?
That is only half right, because constitutionally, through Australian Governor-General and Governors, the British Australian Head of State still control the highest power in the Australian
Parliaments including the highest military command. Although the present Governor General and Governors of Australia must be Australian citizens, but if the Australian Constitution is not
changed, Australia will remain under the 'control' of the Head of State from United Kingdom.
I am very much in favour of changing the date of Australia's National Day because January 26th was the day (January 26th, 1788, ) when Captain Arthur Phillips landed in Port Jacksons which is
today Sydney. He raised the British flag and , declared Australia be the British Empire's colony. Aboriginals who lived in Sydney and around Australia were chased away from the homes , some killed
and /or then enslaved, and subjected to assimilation policies whence many children were forcibly segregated and taken away from their parents. It was not until the 1967 referendum that indigenous
peoples were given equal rights to vote and citizenship. In 2015, a National Sorry was declared by Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in Federal Parliament to those victims known as Stolen
Generation of the indigenous children who were forcefully taken away from their parents.
Of course, we will not forget that Australia also has a dark and sad era of White Australia policies which caused lot of sufferings for many coloured migrants.
For the success and prosperity of modern Australia today, we will certainly not forget the contribution made by the British Government to the development of the Australian colonies in the
past. However, in the past 50 years, Australia has implemented a very successful non discriminatory, multicultural policy to accommodate immigrants from all over the world with various
religious, cultural, coloured, traditions and language backgrounds. It has transformed Australia into one of the most liveable countries in the world with stability, harmony and prosperity. Without
the change, Australia would surely have remained in the anachronism of the White Australia policy.
Therefore, in order to meet the demands of the times and to keep pace with the 21st Century, many far-sighted people have proposed that Australia should change to a more appropriate
Australian National Day. A National Day that will be recognized by more than over 150 different ethnic, religious, linguistic and religious communities, and especially the indigenous people who
remember the current National Day as Invasive Day when their land was stolen from them.
I therefore very much agree with former Victorian Premier Jeff Kennett's recent proposal to change National Day to January 1. Whether through referendum or not, I
hope that the Government and the Opposition can reach a consensus that January 1 be declared the new National Day of Australia as that was the day Federation of Commonwealth of Australia was
established and it is a very appropriate date. I believe that the vast majority of Australians will support it wholeheartedly..
Talk about the Importance of Australia-China Relations
In the past two weeks, I have written two articles published on Saturday front page column of The Pacific Daily respectively on the importance of Australia-China relations. I pointed out that
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been friendly to China in the hope of strengthening recently perceived cooler Australia-China relations. .Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne and
China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi also had a good talk at an United Nations meeting recently.
As a citizen of Australia, I am very pleased that Prime Minister Morrison has the courage and vision to take the work of the Australia-China Strategic Partnership even further, and higher.
More importantly, if Australia can encourage the APEC member states as peacemakers between China and the United States, we can avoid war in the region. How wonderful it would be to enable
the countries and peoples of the Asia-Pacific region to live in a happy and peaceful life, with good governance, long-term stability and joint development!
As a peacemaker, I hope that there will be no more war in the world, and that the existing war will soon find a peace solution so that all refugees can be returned to their homes. We know
honest, war is not good for anyone. But there is always a small group of arms dealers who profit from it, but their hands are full of the blood of so many of their fellow human beings! Should
they repent for their sins? Those politicians, including those who wage war and conspire with the murderers, are not worthy of being the representatives of the people! These arms dealers and
politicians, and their families and children, should be sent to the front lines to fight, and then they will know the terrible crimes they have perpetrated and committed.
Having said that, the Chinese Foreign Ministry thinktank Mr Liu Qing, Director of the Asia-Pacific Institute of the China Institute of International Studies, recently warned Australia in no
uncertain terms that: " Now the ball is in Australian hands. If Australia were to move closer to the US, it would hurt Sino-Australian relations, affect trade and investment, tourism and personnel
exchanges..." The Chinese state-run China Daily newspaper published an editorial with similar views: "Australia is walking a tightrope between China and the US... It is really not in their best
interest to be let by the nose from US and adopt a strategy of confrontation with China."
These criticisms seem to me to be something of a "cold war mentality". Fortunately, they do not come from China's top leaders and foreign ministers, or else they really are self-defeating. They
forget, USA is always a strong ally of Australia.
Don't forget, China has also made countless mistakes in the past. In foreign affairs, we should learn to understand each other's kindness and cultivate goodwill. The Australian Prime Minister has
stressed the need to approach China in a measured and constructive manner. The Australian and Japanese Foreign Ministers also called on China and the United States to use the relevant international
mechanisms to settle trade and political disputes and avoid a new cold war, which would not benefit anyone.
The Chinese leadership should be more tolerant of other so-called unfriendly countries, especially such important partnerships as Australia and Japan, and should take the initiative to use
constructive dialogue and exchanges in order to achieve better results. Talking about diplomacy in an unfriendly tone is not the best way, and communicating in a childishly peevish manner is not
constructive. If the leaders of all sides learn what is constructive dialogue and diplomacy, there is always hope for reconciliation and peace.
This applies to Australia and China, as well as China and America!
Dr Ka Sing Chua
National Board Member of MAPW
Australia International Councillor to IPPNW
Associate of ICAN
An open letter to Australian Prime Minister The Hon Scott Morrison
Dear Prime Minister of Australia
On 11/10/2018, in the 3AW radio interview, you stressed how important Australia's relationship with China is. It needs to be handled with caution and in a measured and constructive manner with
China, adding that Australia can play an active role in easing Sino-US relations. You also pointed out that Australia will continue to work closely with China and the United States despite the
intensification of the Sino-US trade war, as Australia has independent diplomatic relations with both countries and does not choose sides in the trade war. You also stressed: Australia welcomes the
Belt and Road framework as a contribution to the infrastructure of the region.
I am pleased that on 10/10/2018, Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne and Defence Minister Christopher Pyne held a bilateral ministerial meeting with Japan's counterparts in Sydney.
More importantly, in the press conference, they jointly stressed how important the win-win and mutually beneficial relationship between Australia and China is. It must be consolidated through
constructive dialogue, cooperation and contacts. The two sides jointly called on China and the United States to use the relevant mechanisms to settle trade and political disputes and avoid a new cold
war. Foreign Minister Payne says institutions such as the World Trade Organisation are the best place to negotiate. The Japanese Foreign Minister also said that China and the US should abide by the
international order. That's right! Australia and Japan's foreign policy is no longer one-sided with the US and blames China for everything following the footstep of the US. , which, far from being
constructive, has made Sino-US relations worse.
As important members of the Asia-Pacific region, Australia and Japan can play a crucial role as leaders for reconciliation and peacemaking. I am sure that all countries of the Asia-Pacific
Economic Co-operation Organization (APEC) will also appreciate and support it.
I am pleased that Australia's foreign policy has taken a new direction under your leadership and will no longer be blindly subservient to the United States for which Australia was labelled
"Sheriff of US in Asia Pacific".
I also agree that Australia should maintain a strong relationship with the United States, both politically and economically. But America is not perfect. The United States have made many
mistakes in their history, in particular by constantly provoking and started many wars with its great military might. Australia, being her strong ally, has also participated in
the many wars created by USA. These wars were started under the context of safe guarding the people from oppression and in the name of democracy and good governance and Governments. However the
facts are nowhere near achieving these objectives.Take the Indo-China and Middle East wars for examples, in retrospect, United States has made terrible mistakes, in which innocent lives
have been lost, their families have been destroyed, their lives and countries were ruined and created thousands of refugees fleeing their beloved countries. Tragedy after tragedy
were repeated.
Australia should be able to distinguish the right from the wrong and should not continue to follow America blindly. United States has many good things we can learn from, and
by all means, learn from their good things, and adopt if appropriate for Australia. However if United States makes mistakes, we must not follow blindly. As an ally, we should also
point out the shortcomings of the United States and help her to correct them. Mr Trump has made a lot of bad decisions since coming to power, and I think smart Australian Prime Ministers and
Ministers should know that or in retrospect, I do not need to point it out. I hope you will continue your efforts to improve the good relations among Australia, China, United States, Japan,
Indonesia and all other APEC countries. Then Australia, and Australians, will end up to be the big winners. Thank you for your attention!
Dr Ka Sing Chua
National Board Member of MAPW
Australian International Councillor to IPPNW
Dr Julian Rait
AMA Victoria
Dear Julian
Congratulations again for taking on this challenging task as the new President of AMA Victoria as of last night.
MAPW is launching a very worthy campaign to ask Australian Government to sign this Treaty supported by over two third majority of the members United Nations. This is for the safety and survivor of
our children and future generations.
May I request that AMA Victoria does its share to assist in distributing this information to our members for their attention and support.
Federal AMA and World Medical Associations etc have all supported the ICAN to win the Noble Peace Prize last year for the humanity and survivor of mankind.
Thank you for your attention and support.
Best regards
Ka Sing
Dr Ka Sing Chua
National Board Member, International Australian Representative , AMA Victoria Council Representative , MAPW
487 Mitcham Rd Mitcham 3132
Victoria Australia
Mobile +61 409838 388
If there is a strong will for peace, you will find a way to prevent any war.
美国开国元勋从华盛顿、杰克森到林肯总统们的基本信念缔造了今天的美国。华盛顿、杰克森创造了一套有历史价值的政治体制,林肯总统给了人民一个强有力的公民信念。“All men are created equal”、“Abolition of slavery”、“Liberty, fraternity and happiness”、“Government of the people, by the
people and for the people”等文化和政治信念,都是美国建国的基础。回想中国共产党当时创建时很多理念和信念不是和美国开国元勋们的理念和信念有很多共同之处吗?
Dr Ka Sing Chua
Read below article for an impartial view of the South China Sea dispute by a Canaisdian lawyer
American Aggression against China
Christopher Black
7 February 2016
On January 30th the United States committed a deliberate act of aggression against China when it sent the guided missile destroyer USS Curtis Wilbur within the 12 nautical mile territorial limit of
one of the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea. The islands are claimed historically by China, though Vietnam also has filed claims to the islands under the Law of the Sea Convention. The
Americans state that Taiwan also claims the islands but since Taiwan is just a province of China I will ignore that claim here.
The Chinese have the superior historical and present claim and the islands have long been administered by China. Chinese forces, either Kuomintang or communist, have occupied them since 1946. The
Chinese have both civilian and military facilities located on the largest of them, Woody Island, including a hospital, a bank schools, an airport, a seaport and a town hall and have built a large sea
port on Duncan Island. The islands are also popular with Chinese tourists.
The territorial disputes were settled long ago when the French tried to incorporate the islands into their Vietnamese territories but after the Sino-French War of 1884-85 France recognised the
islands, as well as the Spratly Islands, as Chinese territories. In 1933 the French stabbed China in the back and seized the islands but were then displaced by the Japanese in 1938.
The islands reverted to Chinese control at the end of the Second World War. There was a brief war between Vietnam and China over the islands in 1974 but the Chinese succeeded in maintaining their
control of the islands. The Vietnamese still contest this but the fact is that China’s historical claim and influence on the islands dates as far back as the 7th century A.D. and has been continuous
since that time.
The law that applies in this situation is the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) which was negotiated between 1973 and 1982 and came into full force in 1994. Almost every
country in the world has become a party to the Convention except for the United States which has refused to sign due to concerns it has about certain sections dealing with deep sea mineral mining.
However, the United States has always recognised the Convention as a codification of customary international law and therefore has accepted the 12 nautical mile territorial limit, allowed all
nations, including itself, as the law.
It is well to keep in mind that in 1988, President Reagan issued a proclamation extending American territorial waters to 12 nautical miles for national security purposes. Further, the United States
was a party to the negotiations regarding modifications to the treaty that were made in 1994 and once again affirmed, at that time, that it recognised the Convention as general international law.
In May 2007, President Bush recommended that the US Senate ratify the Convention. In January 2009 at her senate confirmation hearing, Hillary Clinton argued, before the Senate, that the Convention be
ratified. She argued for it again before the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in 2012 and both the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Martin Dempsey and the Secretary of Defence, Leon
Panetta, joined her in urging a quick ratification of the Convention, as did several senior generals and admirals. However, the Republicans succeeded in blocking ratification until today, on the
grounds that any law that limits the ability of the United States to do what it wants in the world is against American “interests.”
Nonetheless, the point is that the United States recognises that all nations are entitled to claim a 12 nautical mile territorial limit as China claims over the Paracel Islands. Even if the competing
claim by Vietnam was valid the limit still applies. Yet the Americans now arrogantly claim that they can go where they please and do as they like and that these limits do not apply with respect to
these islands, or, in fact, to any Chinese borders.
The American government, as reported by CNN, stated that it sent its war ship into the 12-mile limit to challenge “excessive maritime claims that restrict the rights and freedoms of the US and
others.” Who the others are was not stated. The statement was absurd on its face since no nation can send its war ships into another nations 12-mile limit without permission of that nation. To do so
is considered a hostile act, an act of war.
An American military spokesman for the US government, Commander Bill Urban, told CNN, “This operation demonstrates, as President Obama and Secretary Carter have stated, the United States will fly,
sail and operate anywhere international law allows. That is true in the South China Sea, as in other places around the globe.”The absurdity of his statement and the American position lies in the fact
that international law does not permit them to send their warships inside any other nations 12 mile limit without permission of that nation and they know it. Once again, the Americans display a
contempt for international law, and an arrogance towards the rest of the world, that seem to be without limit.
The American government and media bragged about the fact that “neither China, nor Vietnam was notified of their (US) intention to send their war ship inside the 12 mile limit.” The only right foreign
ships, and in particular foreign military vessels, have to pass inside the 12 mile limit is in a case of “innocent passage” that is when a ship is merely transiting the area and it must be with the
permission of that nation. But no war ship can pass inside territorial waters in a show of power or for any hostile reason whatsoever. But this is exactly what the American ship did, crossed into
Chinese territory with hostile intent.
So, while the Americans blow hard about complying with international law it is they who, once again, vigorously violate it. The Chinese government has rightly and strongly protested this hostile act.
Foreign Ministry spokesman, Lu Kang, stated the next day that the “United States is …pursuing maritime hegemony in the name of “freedom,” which was opposed by all developing countries and added that
the American action was “both dangerous and irresponsible.”
The United States is pushing China to respond to its aggression but the Chinese have exercised a great deal of restraint over the years in the face of a series of American provocations from spy
planes over-flying its air space to a series of naval exercises in the Pacific and South China Sea that are clearly aimed at China and are all part of America’s “pivot to the Pacific,” a shifting of
the concentration of its military forces to confront China, in fact a preparation for war on China. The question is how far the Americans are willing to push.
But they are pushing everywhere, like bullies on a drunk, roaming down a street beating and shoving aside anyone they meet. Recently the Iranians detained two small American patrol craft attached to
the American fleet in the Persian Gulf that entered Iranian waters. The presence of those boats in those waters at that time has given rise to a lot of speculation about their purpose but no answers,
except the obvious one of preparing for hostilities of one type or another. The Americans continue to press Russia in the Black Sea using both naval and air forces and are openly committing
aggression against Syria by sending their military units into Syria, allegedly to fight ISIS, without the permission of the Syrian government.And, at the same time as their ship violated Chinese
territorial waters, the Americans blasted Russia by claiming Russian planes had violated Turkish airspace, a claim the Russians vehemently denied and labelled the claim what it was, a
The double standards, the hypocrisy, the constant barrage of absurd statements by American officials about international law as they ravage it, are enough to make anyone doubt their sanity. But
unless we can talk about a national psychopathy with respect to the United States and the elite that governs it, and there is a lot of evidence that we can, we are forced to realise that the world is
faced by the threat of a gangster nation, a nation that lives for one purpose only, conquest and domination of the planet.
Once again the United Nations proves itself either a useful tool of the United States and its dependencies or completely irrelevant to what is going on. Once again democracy is shown to be an
illusion as the desire of all the peoples of the world for peace and cooperation among nations is ignored and worse, the desire for peace is called unpatriotic or treasonous; and the puppets in the
mass media are as guilty as their puppet masters as they manipulate the minds of the citizens they claim to inform and stir up the hot blood of war.
And so we wait, sweat dripping off our brows, our faces grim, our muscles tensed wondering where the next blow will fall, when the next provocation will take place, when the fuse will finally blow
and annihilate us all.
Christopher Black is an international criminal lawyer based in Toronto, he is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada and he is known for a number of high-profile cases involving human rights and
war crimes, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.
Dear all
Please sign the following and send to all your network tp promote for a genuine world peace and for all peoples to live in harmony and shared prosperity and happiness.
Take care and stay safe
Dr Ka Sing Chua
National Council Member, MAPW
487 Mitcham Rd Mitcham 3132
Victoria Australia
Mobile +61 409838 388
Subject: Covid-19: Global Ceasefire...
I've just backed the UN Secretary General's call for an immediate global ceasefire, so people in war torn regions can have life-saving aid to fight the coronavirus. Some world leaders are already
supporting it -- this could be huge! Please add your name and share along? https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/global_ceasefire_121/?kpBuaab
Hello Umair Haque. Thanks for sharing this astonishing article of strait talking about the problems facing US and UK.
Last years I travelled through the Norway; Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Russia; UK; USA; etc just to see how their ordinary citizens live their lives . Amazingly the American society stood
out like what Umair stated especially in L.A with so many homeless people living in the streets .
I hope what he stated is not all true? Otherwise we may be looking at a third World War? I hope that the leadership of US and UK will wake up to the facts of what Umair Haque has warned and not
become too arrogant, stupid and desperate and looking for a scapegoat to blame and conquer?
We should send this article to our political leaders so that they can learn the lesson and not following them down the drain.
I believe China is doing just the opposite after a week in China celebrating her 70th Anniversary last October 2019
We hope China will rise to be another say Switzerland or Finland and copy some of their good social systems eventually.
What do you think?
Ka Sing
Dr Ka Sing Chua
National Council Member, MAPW
International Councillor of IPPNW
Friends of ICAN
ICAN – Indigenous Consumer Assistance Network
Indigenous Consumer Assistance Network Ltd ABN 62 127 786 092. Phone: 1800 369 878 (local call cost anywhere in Australia) Local: 07 4031 1073 Fax: 07 4031 5883. Address: 209 Buchan St, Bungalow,
Cairns, Qld, 4870
This is How a Society Dies
America and Britain are Textbook Examples of a New, Gruesome Phenomeon: Rich Nations Self-Destructing Into Poor Failed States
umair haque
umair haque
Dec 10, 2019 · 10 min read
When I ask my European friends to describe us — Americans, Brits, who I’ll call Anglo-Americans in this essay — they shake their heads gently. And over and over, three themes emerge. They say we’re a
little thoughtless. They say we’re selfish and arrogant. And they say that we’re cruel and brutal.
I can’t help but think there’s more than a grain of truth. That they’re being kind. Anglo-American society is now the world’s preeminent example of willful self-destruction. It’s jaw-dropping folly
and stupidity is breathtaking to the rest of the world.
The hard truth is this. America and Britain aren’t just collapsing by the day…they aren’t even just choosing to collapse by the day. They’re entering a death spiral, from which there’s probably no
return. Yes, really. Simple economics dictate that, just like they did for the Soviet Union — and I’ll come to them.
And yet what’s even weirder and more grotesque than that is that…wel…nobody much seems to have noticed. There’s a deafening silence from pundits and elites and columnists and politicians on the joint
self-destruction of the Anglo-American world. Nobody seems to have noticed: the only two rich societies in the world with falling life expectancies, incomes, savings, happiness, trust — every single
social indicator you can imagine — are America and Britain. It’s not one of history’s most improbable coincidences that America and Britain are collapsing in eerily similar ways, at precisely the
same time. It’s a relationship. What connects the dots?
Let me pause to note that my European friends’ first criticism — that we’re thoughtless — is therefore accurate. We’re not even capable of noticing — much less understanding — our twin collapse. Our
entire thinking and leadership class seems not to have even noticed, like idiots grinning and dancing, setting their own house on fire. They are simply going on pretending it isn’t happening — that
the English speaking world isn’t fast becoming something very much like the new Soviet Union.
So what caused this joint collapse? How did the English speaking world end up like the new Soviet Union? To understand that point, consider the fact that you yourself probably think that’s an
overstatement. But it’s an empirical reality. The Soviet Union stagnated for thirty years. America’s stagnated for fifty, and Britain for twenty. The Soviet Union couldn’t provide basics for its
citizens — hence the famous breadlines. In America, people beg each other for money to pay for insulin and antibiotics, decent food is unavailable in vast swathes of the country, and retirement and
paying off one’s debt are impossibilities: just like in the Soviet Union, basics are becoming both unavailable and unaffordable. What happens? People…die.
(The same is true in Britain. In both societies, upwards of 20% of children live in poverty, the middle class has imploded, and upward mobility has all but vanished. These are Soviet statistics —
lethally real ones.)
Politics, too, has become a sclerotic Soviet affair. Anglo-American societies aren’t really democracies in any sensible meaning of the word anymore. They’re run by and for a class of elites, who
could care less, literally, whether the average person lives or dies. In America, that class is a bizarre coterie of Ivy Leaguers pretending to be aw-shucks-good-ole-boys on the one side, like Ted
Cruz, and Ivy Leaguers pretending to be do-gooders on the other, like Zuck and Silicon Valley. In Britain, it’s the notorious public school boys, the Etonians and Oxbridge set.
That brings me to arrogance. What’s astonishing about our elites is how…arrogant they are…and how ignorant they are…at precisely the same time. Finland just elected a 34 year old woman as a Prime
Minister from the Social Democrats. Finland is a society that outperforms ours in every way — every way — imaginable. Finnish happiness is way, way higher — and so is life expectancy, mobility,
savings, real incomes, trust, among others. And yet instead of learning a thing from a miracle like that, our elites profess to know a better way…while they’ve run our societies into the ground. What
the? Hubris would be an understatement. I don’t think the English language has a word for this weird, fatal combination of arrogance amidst ignorance. Maybe cocksure stupidity comes close.
And yet our elites have succeeded in one vital task — what an Emile Durkheim might have called “social reproduction.” They’ve managed to reproduce society in their image. What does the average
Anglo-American aspire to be, do, have? To be rich, powerful, careless, selfish, and dumb, now, mostly. We don’t, as societies or cultures, value learning or knowledge or magnanimity or great and
noble things, anymore. We shower millions on reality TV stars and billions on “investment bankers.” The average person has become a tiny microcosm of the aspirations and norms of elites — they’re not
curious, empathetic, decent, humane, noble, kind, in pursuit of wisdom, truth, beauty, meaning, purpose. We’ve become cruel, indecent, obscene, comically shallow, and astonishingly foolish
That’s not some kind of jeremiad. It’s an objective, easily observed truth. Who else in a rich society denies their neighbours healthcare and retirement? Nobody. Who else denies their own kids
education? Nobody. Who else denies themselves childcare and elderly care? Nobody. Who else doesn’t want safety nets, opportunities, mobility, protection, savings, higher incomes? Nobody. Literally
nobody on planet earth wants worse lives excepts us. We’re the only people on earth who thwart our own social progress, over and over again — and cheer about it.
How did we become these people? How did we become tiny microcosms of our arrogant, ignorant, breathtakingly stupid elites? Because we are perpetually battling for self-preservation. Life has become a
kind of brutal combat to the death. For jobs, for healthcare, for money, for the tiniest shreds of resources necessary to live. We wake up and fight one another for these things, over and over again.
That is what our lives amount to now — gladiatorial combat. Meanwhile, elites and billionaires sit back and enjoy not just the spectacle — but the winnings.
People who are battling for self-preservation can’t take care of anyone else. If I ask the average Brit or American to consider paying for their society’s healthcare, education, elderly care,
childcare, increasingly, the answer is: LOL. In America, it always has been. Why is that? The reason couldn’t be simpler. People can’t even take care of themselves and their own. How can they take
care of anyone else — let alone everyone else?
The average person is living right at the edge. Not at the edge of the middle class dream and an even better one. But at the edge of poverty and destitution. They struggle to pay basic bills and
never make ends meet. They can’t afford to educate their children, and retire, or retire and have healthcare, and so on. Let me say it again: the average person can’t take care of themselves and
their own — so how can they take care of anyone else, let alone everyone else?
A more technical, formal way to say that is: our societies have now become too poor to afford public goods and social systems. But public goods and social systems are what make a modern, rich
society. What’s a society without decent healthcare, schools, universities, libraries, education, parks, transport, media — available to all, without life-crippling “debt”? It’s not a modern society
at all. But more and more, it’s not America or Britain, either.
What makes European societies — which are far, far more successful than ours — successful is that people are not battling for self-preservation, and so they are able to cooperate to better one
another instead. At least not nearly so much and so lethally as we are. They are assured of survival. They therefore have resources to share with others. They don’t have to battle for the very things
we take away from each other — because they simply give them to one another. That has kept them richer than us, too. The average American now lives in effective poverty — unable to afford healthcare,
housing, and basic bills. They must choose. The European doesn’t have to, precisely because they invested in one another — and those investment made them richer than us.
We are caught in a death spiral now. A vicious cycle from which there is probably no escape. The average person is too poor to fund the very things — the only things — which can offer him a better
life: healthcare, education, childcare, healthcare, and so on. The average person is too poor to fund public goods and social systems. The average person is too poor now to able to give anything to
anyone else, to invest anything in anyone else. He lives and dies in debt to begin with — so what does he have left over to give back, put back, invest?
A more technical, formal way to put all that is this. Europeans distributed their social surplus more fairly than we did. They didn’t give all the winnings to idiot billionaires like Zucks and con
men like Trump. They kept middle and working classes better off than us. As a result, those middle and working classes were able to invest in expansive public goods and social systems. Those things —
good healthcare, education, transport, media — kept life improving for everyone. That virtuous circle of investing a fairly distributed social surplus created a true economic miracle over just one
human lifetime: Europe rose from the ashes of war to enjoy history’s highest living standards, ever, period.
That’s changing in Europe, to be sure. But that is because Europe is becoming Americanized, Anglicized. It has a generation of leaders foolish enough to follow our lead — now remember the greatest
lesson of European history, which is one of the greatest lessons of history, full stop. That lesson goes like this.
· People who are made to live right at the edge must battle each other for self-preservation. But such people have nothing left to give one another. And that way, a
society enters a death spiral of poverty — like ours have.
· People who can’t make ends meet can’t even invest in themselves — let alone anyone else. Such a society has to eat through whatever public goods and social systems it
has, just to survive. It never develops or expands new ones.
· The result is that a whole society grows poorer and poorer. Unable to invest in themselves or one another, people’s only real way out is to fight each other for
self-preservation, by taking away their neighbor’s rights, privileges, and opportunities — instead of being able to give any new ones to anyone. Why give everyone healthcare and education when you
can’t even afford your own? How are you supposed to?
· Society melts down into a spiral of extremism and fascism, as ever increasing poverty brings hate, violence, fear, and rage with it. Trust erodes, democracy corrodes,
social bonds are torn apart, and the only norms left are Darwinian-fascist ones: the strong survive, and the weak must perish.
(Let me spend a second or two on that last point. As they become poorer, people begin to distrust each other — and then hate each other. Why wouldn’t they? After all, the grim reality is that they
actually are fighting each other for existence, for the basic resources of life, like medicine, money, and food.
As distrust becomes hate, people who have nothing to give anyways end up having no reason to even hope to give anything back to anyone else. Why give anything to those people you are fighting, every
single day, for the most meagre resources necessary to live? Why give the very people who denied you healthcare and education anything? Isn’t the only real point of life to show that you beat them by
having a bigger house, faster car, prettier wife or husband?)
That is how a society dies. That is the death spiral of a rich society. In technical terms, it goes like this. A social surplus isn’t distributed equitably. That leaves the average person too poor to
invest anything back in society. He’s just battling for self-preservation, and the stakes are life or death. But that battle itself only breeds even more poverty. Because without investment,
nurturance, nourishment — nothing can grow. Having become poor, the average person only grows poorer — because he will never have decent public goods or social systems, let alone the rights and
privileges and jobs and careers and trajectories they become and lead to.
A society of people so poor they have nothing left over to invest in one another is dying. It goes from prosperity to poverty, from optimism to pessimism, from cohesion to distrust and hate, from
peace to violence — at light speed, in the space of a generation. That’s America and Britain’s story today, just as it was the Soviet Union’s, yesterday, and Weimar Germany’s, before that.
You can see how a society dies — with horrific, brutal clarity — in the self-destruction of America and Britain. The hate-filled vitriol of Trumpism, the barely-hidden hate of Brexit. Why wouldn’t
people who have grown suddenly poor hate everyone else? Why wouldn’t they blame anyone and everyone they can — from Mexicans to Muslims to Europeans — for their own decline? The truth, as always, is
harder. America and Britain’s collapse is nobody’s fault — nobody’s — but their own.
They are in a death spiral now, but no opponent or adversary brought them there. It was their own fault, and yet they still go on choosing it. They don’t know any other way now. Their elites
succeeded at making the average person truly, fervently believe that battling perpetually for self-preservation was the only way a society could exist.
And though it’s too late to escape for them, let us hope that the rest of the world, from Europe to Asia to Africa, learns the lesson of the sad, gruesome, stupid, astonishing tragedy of
self-inflicted collapse.
December 2019
Umair Haque
Umair Haque is a London-based consultant and author. Wikipedia
Education: London Business School, University of Oxford, McGill University
From the Editor
The dispute of Senkaku or Diaoyui islands' ownership between China and Japan is concerning many people in Asia and around the world. On one hand Japan claims that she has the sovereignty over them
because they have been under her legal administration since the end of World war 2. While China claims that they belongs to China from the historical perspective. Japan under the Peace Treaty at
the end of World War 2, supposed to return the ownership of these islands back to China. But for some unforeseen circumstances, with the eruption of China civil war, China failed to claim them back
formally from Japan.
Who actually owns this island is the burning issue.
We hope that it will be resolved one way or the other through peaceful negotiation. Failing that, we suggest that the case be decided in the International Court and tribunal. It is better that way
than trying to fight it out militarily. It is not worth having the war to determine the ownership of these islands. As the destruction will be far worse than the benefit for either side. Moreover if
a war is declared , its implication will be unmeasurable in term of its influence with the development of China and Japan. Its disastrous effect will not only affect China and Japan but will extend
to all Asia countries and the world like Europe and US etc. No one is an island anymore. The war will bring enormous economic disaster, humanity hardship and suffering for many many people,
not confined to the Chinese and Japanese.
Cover design for this issue was done by our webmaster James Yin. Thank you James.
Let us hope that the leadership of China and Japan are wiser than that.
we are looking for a bilangual Editor and Assistant Editor to assist us in compiling our regular Emagazine etc. It is voluntary contribution without monetary remuneration. If you are interested,
please contact Dr Ka Sing Chua at contact@www.huarenworldnet.org or kchua@www.huarenworldnet.org
I would like to take this opportunity to again thank my special assistant Dr Yit Seng Yow for patiently help to compile our Emagazine and many other voluntary contributors. Without them, we would not
have our regular Emagazine for you to enjoy.
The Abe administration’s arrogance of power moment
On the cusp of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II when Emperor Hirohito made his historic speech of surrender, the Abe government is attempting to drive through the Diet 11 security
bills that will forever alter the landscape of Japan’s postwar history. The nation that does not wage war will be no more if it gets its way.
Guided in its efforts is a military-industrial complex that is salivating to get Japan to share the burden of fighting with its closest ally, the United States. Japan has recently expressed interest
in joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization missile-building consortium, a move in seamless alliance with this New Normal for Japan, a normal that we believe threatens global security.
As scholars from Japan and the U.S., we oppose the new security bills and call on anyone who is unfamiliar with what’s happening to get informed. What we have here is legislation without
representation; at its worst, tyranny.
In clear violation of Article 9 of the Constitution, which famously renounces war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as a means of settling international disputes,
these bills would provide for Japan’s Self-Defense Forces to cooperate actively with U.S. and other foreign military operations overseas. If adopted, Japan will be able to use military force even
when it is not attacked, under the name of collective self-defense. Let us not mince words: this spells the end of Article 9 without ever formally amending it according to due process of law.
We cannot believe any assurances from a prime minister who thinks nothing of the constitutional ban and popular opposition that these security bills will strictly limit Japan’s military role. This
legislation opens the door to virtually unfettered government discretion over the use of force that violates Japan’s fundamental principle over six decades of an exclusively self-defense posture.
The Japanese people, having been the only population to suffer atomic bombs, are overwhelmingly in support of maintaining peaceful relations with the world. They wish to protect the sanctity and
heritage of Article 9. A nation that renounces war is part of Japan’s peace national brand, and has allowed Japan to develop as a world class economic and culture power with a strong mandate for
humanitarian assistance, disaster relief and development aid.
Should these security bills get passed, Japan will no longer be able to advocate for a peace and nonviolence paradigm in national security. Our view is that Japan’s peace Constitution should not be
altered but should continue to serve as a model for other countries. It should certainly not be “reinterpreted” arbitrarily by the government of the day.
Article 23 of the Constitution guarantees academic freedom, and it is within this guarantee that we, as public scholars in Japan and signatories to the Association of Scholars Opposed to the
Security-related Bills, are speaking out. One of us is an Abe fellow at Keio University and former Fulbright scholar at Sophia University; the other is a political scientist at Sophia University who
received the Friend of the Free Press award this spring from the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan.
We stand with the growing political protests from scholars, students, lawyers, workers and mothers that are coalescing against a government displaying total disregard for democratic speech and
assembly. Japan is the closest Asian ally to the U.S. and we take this binational alliance of democracies literally and to heart. We oppose this government fait accompli that refuses to listen to
citizen debate, discussion, or dialogue. We call on the Abe government to observe the democratic and constitutional due process before it does irreparable damage to the national character of postwar
The Abe government has shown no concern for the Japanese people. It is attempting to circumvent the Constitution by ramming the security bills through the Diet without the constitutionally mandated
process for a constitutional revision (Article 96) requiring a two-third majority of both houses of parliament and a majority support from the people in a special referendum.
We write, backed as we are from thousands of scholars and millions of Japanese who share our opposition, to object to the security bills in principle and process. Our objections are marinated with
affection, concern and care for Japan and the Japanese people.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s administration cannot claim to have a popular mandate for imposing these changes, even if we leave aside the unconstitutionality of the bills. It has a large majority in
both houses only because of record-high voting abstention rates, a divided opposition, a muzzled media, the bias of the first-past-the-post system, and the enormous disparity of the value of the vote
that has been repeatedly ruled to be in a state of unconstitutionality by the courts.
In reality, only one in four voters actively voted for Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party. The prime minister has, nevertheless, said that within 20 to 30 years he will be vindicated; thus, public
opinion, which he seems to view with disdain, is dismissed. We believe that the Japanese people deserve more credit and respect than what they are being shown by their government.
These security bills stand against Japan’s well-deserved human security reputation in the world. Human security puts people’s needs and rights first, and views security within the prism of a
multidisciplinary understanding of the world that involves development studies, education, science and technology for good, and peaceful international relations.
The United Nation’s Human Development Report of 1994 argues that global human security is about promoting “freedom from want” and “freedom from fear” for all people. With Japan’s growing poverty
indices, aging population and record-breaking national debt, these security bills, if passed, will likely lead to greater insecurity just at the time when Japan itself is seeking to become a bigger
player again on the world stage. Before Abe flexes his military muscles, indulges himself in historical revisionism and preaches to China about the rule of law, he should observe the principle of
rule of law at home.
By turning a blind eye on Abe’s arrogance of power moment, the U.S. risks not only aggravating the regional tension and rivalry in Asia-Pacific, but also antagonizing the Japanese public, who came to
embrace the postwar values of constitutionalism, democracy and peace.
Koichi Nakano is a professor of political science at Sophia University. Nancy Snow is an Abe fellow and a visiting professor at Keio University.
China warns Japan against ‘crippling regional peace’ after passage of security bills
AFP-JIJI, JIJI - JUL 17, 2015
BEIJING/SEOUL – China on Thursday urged Tokyo to avoid “crippling regional peace and security” after the Lower House passed bills that could see Japanese troops fight abroad for the first time since
World War II.
“It is fully justified to ask if Japan is going to give up its exclusively defence-oriented policy,” China’s foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said in a statement.
“We solemnly urge the Japanese side to … refrain from jeopardising China’s sovereignty and security interests or crippling regional peace and stability,” Hua said in the statement posted on the
ministry’s website.
Hua described the passing of the bills as “an unprecedented move since the Second World War.
Japanese forces launched a full-scale invasion of China in 1937 and the wartime history between the Asian powers still heavily colors their relations today.
Beijing — which is also embroiled in a territorial row with Tokyo over disputed islands in the East China Sea — regularly accuses the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of showing insufficient
contrition for the conflict.
Hua referred to the 70th anniversary of Japan’s defeat in its conflict with China, which Beijing calls “the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.”
“We solemnly urge the Japanese side to draw hard lessons from history,” she added.
The vote on Japan’s military marks a victory for Abe and other nationalists, who have ignored popular anger in a bid to break what they see as the shackles of the U.S.-imposed Constitution.
China’s official Xinhua news agency condemned the move, saying it meant “a nightmare scenario has come a step closer for Japanese people and neighbouring nations.
If passed, the bill will “tarnish the reputation of a nation that has earned international respect for its pacifist Constitution over a period of nearly seven decades,” it said.
Meanwhile, South Korea also reacted to the passage of the bills — although in a muted manner.
A South Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman on Thursday called on Japan to stick to its Constitution.
Japan should conduct discussions on its defense policy while adhering to the spirit of the pacifist Constitution, and in a way to contribute to regional peace and stability and in a transparent
fashion, the spokesman said at a press conference.
The spokesman reiterated Seoul’s stance that actions that could affect security conditions on the Korean Peninsula and the national interests of South Korea should not be taken without consent from
the country.
But the spokesman stopped short of directly making a comment criticizing the Lower House approval of the security bills or showing concerns over the development.
South Korea hopes to continue close consultations with Japan while keeping a close watch on upcoming deliberations on the bills at the Upper House.
来源:澳洲网 作者:蔡家声 时间:2018-03-16 19:31:50 点击:266
来源:澳洲网 作者:蔡家声 时间:2018-02-09 18:48:40 点击:187
各界反对的最严重的一条是它太大太阔。将涉及维权和人权的问题,特别是对个人民主权利和自由的侵犯。澳洲媒体人士对此更是敏感。工党领袖BILL SHORTEN强调不能因此影响“媒体的自由”。这是澳洲国家的“民主制度的保障”。如果这法案不能保护记者们的工作权利,他不会支持它。
来源:澳洲网 作者:蔡家声 时间:2018-02-02 22:01:16 点击:183
不久前美国国防部长James Matti公布了美国最新的国防报告,中间提到中国和俄罗斯迅速扩张的军事实力变得具攻击性,将成为美国在国家安全上最优先应对的目标。没想到澳洲国防部长Marise Payne上周末,未加深思,就在澳洲人报表态支持美国这一观点,表示澳洲和美国有相同的战略担忧。澳洲副总理Barnaby Joyce也在上星期日表示认同Marise
幸好在我还没写这篇评论之前,我很欣慰看到澳洲总理Malcolm Turnbull和外长Julie Bishop及时澄清立场。Julie Bishop星期一出面澄清地告诉Sky News电视台“澳洲看不到本地区受到中国和俄罗斯的威胁,我们肯定不把中国视为一个威胁……我们对俄罗斯和中国有着截然不同的看法。我们不视俄罗斯和中国对澳洲构成一个军事威胁”。总理Malcolm
来源:澳洲网 作者:蔡家声 时间:2018-01-26 18:05:30 点击:25
蔡家声世界经济论坛第48届年会将于23日至26日在瑞士达沃斯(DAVOS)(World Economic Forum)举行。今年的主题是“在分化的世界中打造共同命运”。
World Economic Forum世界经济论坛发布的声明:本届年会希望在各国地缘战略竞争恶化的背景下重申国际合作的意义,引导全球共同探讨具有共同利益的重大问题并推动全球联手解决人类共同面对的挑战。在“分化的世界中”如何打造“共同命运”?
President's Message
Great Harmony World, Great civilised Rule of Law, Peaceful Development!
Dr Ka Sing Chua
The world in the 21st century has seen many unexpected changes. Through the wisdom of human innovation, new technologies bring us much convenience. Especially in the areas of
transportation and the Internet, communication and communication around the world are provided with very convenient tools and technologies, which have made the world smaller and brought peoples
closer together.
The great old Chinese saying : " The Great Way forward is to create way for a fair and just Society for all peoples" , can still be used for the world today. The rulers of
civilization all over the world all know that to maintain long-term peace and stability, we must use a set of civilized legal system fair and just to deal with the disputes and dissents of all
circles of society. Such a society is capable of peaceful development and the peoples living in such a society, regardless of their background, beliefs, cultures, languages, etc., which may be
different from one another. However under this set of fair and just civilization and legal system, we can respect each other, tolerate each other, help each other and live in harmony, and live a
happy and peaceful life together.
Many countries in the world, with the assistance of the United Nations, have now embarked on this path. This is the greatest achievement in the history of mankind this century. With
these principles in mind, all rulers need not use force to kill one another, cheating one another, colluding with the Regime and fightiing for profit, even waging civil war and foreign
The method to solve the disputes and dissents of the various factions of the people can also use the common civilized legal system to control these undesirable rulers! They are not
ignorant but selfish, cannot control themselves, so we must use the powerful rule of law to limit their abuse of power, causing harm to their people and their other bad behavior!
Mankind is moving forward on the road of building a "Great Harmony World, Universal civilised Rule of Law and Peaceful Development". No matter how hard this road is, I believe we
human have enough wisdom to create such a One World. Under the guidance of the United Nations's Great Charter and Constitution, we can restrict the powers and actions of those rulers who do not obey
the rules or the rule of law. That is why we have "peacekeeping forces, International Tribunals, sanctions rules of international law.
Although some people in many countries are still in dire straits, the Internet, with the innovative wisdom of mankind, will help continue to improve and improve each country's
civilized legal system and international civilized legal system by means of peaceful development.
So I am pleased to see that the disputes between Huawei of China and the United States can also be resolved through the civilized legal system. Western countries, including Australia, which
pride themselves to promote civilized rule of law, should also do so instead of using their military and financial strength to bully backward countries and encroach on the land and wealth of small
and weak countries as they have in the past. If we all adhere to a set of fair and just civilized system of governance, there will be hope for the Great Harmony World in the making eventually.
Dr Ka Sing Chua
World Huaren Federation
Dear All
It have been a while that I have written to you. There are many reasons behind it.
One of the main reasons is that we have lost our original website naming right i.e. www.huaren.org because our original owner , a foundation member of huaren.org and World Huaren Federation, decided not to pay its
subscription in USA. I offers to pay for him before but was ignored.
Luckily with some foresight, I have registered another similar website : www.huarenworldnet.org based in Australia so we can continue the work and objectives of World Huaren Federation.
With the help of our webmaster James Yin, we manage to transfer all the information from previous huaren.orgwebsite to this new website i.e. www. huarenworldnet.org so you can continue to link up with us and enjoy what we can offer.
Last December 2017, I was elected to the Australian National Board of Medical Association for Prevention of Warwww.mapw.org.au and its International Australian Representative. Last year ICAN , International Campaign for Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, after 10 years of lobbying , managed to
pass through a motion in UN to Abolish the Nuclear Weapons with 129 nations supporting it. For its effort, initiated by MAPW in Australia 10 years ago, ICAN was awarded 2017 Noble Peace
MAPW has done a great job in promoting a world without wars and we hope one day we have enough good leaders around the world and with support of all world citizens, we can stop wars
among the so-called "civilised humankind".
USA is the main culprit of wars. I found out from an Italian website Notiziario24.com recently of the fact that since the Independence of
USA in 1776 , she has been involved in 222 wars around the world including many invasive wars. It is pity for such a nation which also uses to acclaims that USA is the world most civilised
nation, ends up in creating so much disastrous human sufferings and deaths through wars and military conflicts. War always starts with a silly excuse: using war to kill war for peace and always
somebody else is wrong.
Having stated the fact, I still hope USA which has lots of the skill and talent and has achieved so much great thing for humanity, will eventually produce some great leadership to
lead the world to eternal peace via United Nations under the Rule of Laws to solve all human conflicts peacefully , so that all of us , not some of us , can live in peace and harmony like a big
May Peace reigns.
Dr Ka Sing Chua
National Board Member, MAPW
487 Mitcham Rd Mitcham 3132
Victoria Australia
Mobile +61 409838 388
Ka Sing Chua 08:11
An old member of World Huaren Federation Mr Edward Liu shared a post while travelling Australia
Some 2 million Chinese tourists out of the 130 million Chinese who went outbound to see the world last year ended up in Aussie land.
These numbers are expected to surge as China's Chinese millennial generation of "jiulinghou," and "linglinghou" generation start growing up....become more and more affluent...and more motivated to
see, explore, and travel all over the world.
Affluence, material wealth, material progress, a leapfrogging economic powerhouse, I have come to conclude, do not necessarily bring about good manners, basic civility, respect for one another,
and cross-cultural and multi-national sensitivity and human smarts and the conduct of a "junji," not a "xiaoren."
Confucianism, Taoism, and good solid Chinese civilizational values are slowly being undermined, corroded, threatened, and jettisoned in today's Chuna.
How do you comport yourself, conduct yourself, and behave in an appropriate way, respect local culture when you travel to a foreign country and interface with a foreign culture?
How do you manage the "human stampede" of tourism without spoiling the ultimate purpose of traveling....learning and taking in the local culture, history, beautiful sites and scenery..without
behaving boorishly, foolishly, brutishly and rudely?
I have no good answers...just good questions.
I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly of Chinese tourism.
I honor those Chinese who are sophisticated and culturally respectful and really curious to learn and expand their minds...not waste time in shophahilistic binges.
There is a swirling backlash and growing resentment against the "ugly Chinaman tourist" all over the world....
It reminds me of the ugly history of the "ugly American" traveling in Eurooe or the "hooligan Brit" traveling in Thailand or the "filthy young Western begpacker" in Asia-Pacific.
China is deficient and lacking in culture progress and culture capital
Moral and ethical education is wanting in today's bling bling China.
Dengist reforms, after 40 years, has made China an economic powerhouse and superpower.....but economic wealth does not necessarily equate to civil and civic wealth.
I mean no malice to the Chinese millenials who love to travel.
I just want them " to do the right thing' as a proud Chinese and not an arrogant Chinese...decent, courteous, civil and respectful of others and sensitive to local culture wherever they
Letter in today’s Age
Suspend weapon sales
Tony Wright's excellent commentary (The Age, 21/2) bemoaning lack of ethics highlights a critical government theme. When elected, the Coalition government replaced the standards of ministerial
ethics with a statement of ministerial standards.
This lack of ethics is illustrated by our weapons sales to the Saudis, when they stand accused of war crimes and are leading the blockade of Yemen which has caused the death of more than 85,000
children. Arms sales to Saudi Arabia have been suspended by Germany, Finland, the Netherlands and Denmark, and condemned by the UK House of Lords and the US Congress. Australia should suspend
Margaret Beavis, Medical Association for Prevention of War, Carlton
The world in the 21st century has seen many unexpected changes. Through the wisdom of human innovation, new technologies bring us much convenience. Especially in the areas of transportation and
the Internet, communication and communication around the world are provided with very convenient tools and technologies, which have made the world smaller and brought peoples closer together.
The great old Chinese saying : " The Great Way forward is to create way for a fair and just Society for all peoples" , can still be used for the world today. The rulers of civilization all over the
world all know that to maintain long-term peace and stability, we must use a set of civilized legal system fair and just to deal with the disputes and dissents of all circles of society. Such a
society is capable of peaceful development and the peoples living in such a society, regardless of their background, beliefs, cultures, languages, etc., which may be different from one another.
However under this set of fair and just civilization and legal system, we can respect each other, tolerate each other, help each other and live in harmony, and live a happy and peaceful life
Many countries in the world, with the assistance of the United Nations, have now embarked on this path. This is the greatest achievement in the history of mankind this century. With these
principles in mind, all rulers need not use force to kill one another, cheating one another, colluding with the Regime and fightiing for profit, even waging civil war and foreign wars.
The method to solve the disputes and dissents of the various factions of the people can also use the common civilized legal system to control these undesirable rulers! They are not ignorant but
selfish, cannot control themselves, so we must use the powerful rule of law to limit their abuse of power, causing harm to their people and their other bad behavior!
Mankind is moving forward on the road of building a "Great Harmony World, Universal civilised Rule of Law and Peaceful Development". No matter how hard this road is, I believe we human have enough
wisdom to create such a One World. Under the guidance of the United Nations's Great Charter and Constitution, we can restrict the powers and actions of those rulers who do not obey the rules or the
rule of law. That is why we have "peacekeeping forces, International Tribunals, sanctions rules of international law.
Although some people in many countries are still in dire straits, the Internet, with the innovative wisdom of mankind, will help continue to improve and improve each country's civilized
legal system and international civilized legal system by means of peaceful development.
So I am pleased to see that the disputes between Huawei of China and the United States can also be resolved through the civilized legal system. Western countries, including Australia, which pride
themselves to promote civilized rule of law, should also do so instead of using their military and financial strength to bully backward countries and encroach on the land and wealth of small and weak
countries as they have in the past. If we all adhere to a set of fair and just civilized system of governance, there will be hope for the Great Harmony World in the making eventually.
The Multicultural Communities Council of NSW position on Immigration:
As Australians, we are interested and concerned about our immigration policies particularly where such policies would move Australia towards better planning and prosperity for future
generations. Hence, we must not allow the governments to dictate how immigration should be managed but prefer our government to accept community views and co-op them as partners in determining the
nation’s future in immigration. For more details see the article “Metamorphosis of the Immigration Department”.
Article No 1
a post-mortem on the election results.
Article No 2
No 3. Published Sydney Morning Herald comments
Smh comment 20 May 2019 published
This presidential style election optics was won by Morrison. In comparing the federal campaigns of the last 50 years, this one offered no frills or thrills and
really, pretty boring. I only watched the debates between the two leaders since other programs were really uninteresting. Yes, I also believe my franking credits will be lost. On public
performance, Morrison came on top of Shorten. Yes, winning the election is easy compared to governing the country for the next 3 years. Good luck PM Morrison.
What the Morrison government promised to do next 19May2019`published
Story: What the Morrison government promised to
do next
Congratulations to PM Morrison who won the Federal election and thanks to the Mr Shorten for running a good campaign. Now the election is over, we hope PM Morrison will govern for all Australians
whether they voted for him or not. There were two issues that favour Labor, ie. the internal spat within the Liberal Party and the too far right policies of Minister Dutton. The hope that these two
issues will give Labor an edge on a tight election however, the electorate has spoken. The blame for disunity was shouldered by Mr Abbott and he lost his seat. The unity of LNP and other minor
Queensland parties was effective enough to counter any anti-right policies; ALP lost Queensland hence the election. Minister Dutton retains his seat despite strong campaign against him by GetUp is a
reflection of Queensland politics.
Although there is no change of government, the issues simmering in the community have not gone away and they include some issues on immigration, citizenship, health etc.
Despite all the rhetoric about Chinese influence and interference, there appear to be no evidence of such activity that seriously warrant our attention in this federal election.
The priority issue still remains how Australia would navigate in the Asian century and Asian sphere in dealing with a rising China and a hawkish US policies on China, without jeopardizing the
mutually beneficial economic benefits with China and maintain our military relations with the US.
CAVAN HOGUE. Kishore Mahbubani on China and the US
Posted on 24 April 2020 by Callum Foote
In a most interesting article in The Economist, Kishore Mahbubani argues that the post-COVIC-19 world will be characterized by an accelerated shift in power from the West to East Asia.
The article is well worth reading in full. Mahbubani says the world will see that the West has failed dismally to handle the crisis while East Asian countries have emerged as the most successful. The
age of Western dominance is over.
China did make a mess at the beginning but later picked up . China will become more influential as it becomes the economic superpower while Europe and the USA will decline. Mahbubani says that while
some are democracies and some are not, the successful Asian countries share a belief in the importance of strong government based on a scientifically educated meritocracy.
He thinks a Confucian background is important. This includes China where most people support the system. It is hard to disagree with his basic point that the West has emerged floundering from
the crisis while a number of Asian countries have emerged stronger and with their reputations enhanced. It is not about democracy versus authoritarianism. Both Xi and Trump got it wrong at the
beginning but Xi recovered while Trump still flounders.
So what is the relevance of this for Australia which is not mentioned? Australia and New Zealand have been just as successful as the East Asians, and Singapore has now run into trouble. Mahbubani
says rightly that many countries in Southeast Asia would prefer the USA to remain in the region to act as a balance to Chinese hegemony but Australia continues to take sides.
Already the Foreign Minister has followed the US line in publicly criticising China while not mentioning the American failures which may pose a threat to the world. John McCarthy has
brilliantly dissected the flaws in this approach in the AFR & P&I. It is perhaps easy to forget the humiliation inflicted on China by the countries that now lecture it on human rights and
democracy. China has not forgotten and the slogan China has stood up reflects this. We also add fuel to the belief that we are just a US puppet.
I hope Mahbubani is right in arguing that as a major trading nation China has a vested interest in the rules-based order (which the US has veered away from) and that China is not interested in
exporting its system.
China, he says, can live with a multipolar world which the USA finds difficult. This has been true to date but what the future holds remains to be seen. He is also right that while Trump has
been an unmitigated disaster, it is not just about him. There is growing confusion and lack of confidence in the country while China ‘s self-confidence is growing. But read the article!
Kishore Mahbubani is a former Singaporean diplomat and Founding Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS from 2004 to 2017. He is currently a distinguished fellow at the Asia Research
Institute, NUS and the author of numerous books on Asia and the West, most recently “Has China Won?”. This article is part of a series from outside contributors on the world after covid-19. More can
be found at economist.com/coronavirus
Cavan Hogue is a former diplomat who has worked in Asia, Europe and the Americas as well as at the UN. He also worked at ANU and Macquarie universities.
Dr Ka Sing Chua
National Council Member, MAPW
487 Mitcham Rd Mitcham 3132
Victoria Australia
Mobile +61 409838 388
Why we should abolish and ban the use of nuclear weapons?
As the war drum is beating louder and louder in the South China Seas between USA and China, the following points are of concern to us as humankind living in this planet. There is a small risk of
deliberate nuclear use and a larger risk of inadvertent nuclear use in a future US-China conflict or any conflict among countries who possess nuclear weapons.
Many people unfortunately have no clue of how serious and scary if a nuclear war breaks out. The atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki 75 years ago pale into insignificant rabble compare to
modern nuclear weapons.
The scary thing is that there is enough nuclear arsenal to blast us off the face of this earth. In a nuclear war, China may be wiped off in 55 minutes and the US will also be wiped out 10-15
minutes later, not counting where Russian nukes will land! A single nuclear warhead could kill millions of people if drop in New York and Shanghai, with lasting and devastating humanitarian and
environmental consequences. Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea possess an estimated total of nearly 14,000 modern nuclear weapons,
many times more powerful and enough to kill us all and turn the planet into rabbles.
Nuclear weapons are the most destructive, inhumane and indiscriminate weapons ever created. Both in the scale of the devastation they cause, and in their uniquely persistent, spreading,
genetically damaging radioactive fallout, they are unlike any other weapons. A single nuclear bomb detonated over a large city could kill millions of people. The use of tens or hundreds of nuclear
bombs would disrupt the global climate, causing widespread famine.
The use of less than one percent of the nuclear weapons in the world could disrupt the global climate and threaten as many as two billion people with starvation in a nuclear famine in the
long-term. The thousands of nuclear weapons possessed by the US and Russia could bring about a nuclear winter, destroying the essential ecosystems on which all life depends. It will render the planet
we all live on unliveable and we will have nowhere to hide.
More information can be obtained from the following three websites : www.mapw.org.au; www.ippnw.org; www.icanw.org
Nuclear weapons are the most inhumane and indiscriminate weapons ever created. That is why it is time to end them, before they end us. They have catastrophic humanitarian and environmental
consequences that span decades and cross generations; they breed fear and mistrust among nations, as some governments can threaten to wipe out entire cities in a heartbeat; the high cost of their
production, maintenance and modernisation diverts public funds from health care, education, disaster relief and other vital services and more. Banning these immoral, inhumane weapons under
international law was a critical step along the path to ending them. With the adoption of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) on July 7th, 2017, the world's majority took a
critical step towards making that nuclear-weapon-free future a reality. Read more about how the TPNW works >
TNPW have been signed and ratified by 46 members of UN and we need 4 more members to ratify it for it to become an International Law banning the use of nuclear weapon in any war. We urge
Australian Government to sign and ratify and stand up for not just Australian people but peoples of the whole world and for all the children's children so that they can have a bright future.
Is that too much to ask for?
Dr Anthony Pun, OAM, Foundation President, Chinese Community Council of Australia.
Mr. Kinsley Liu, National President of CCCA
Dr Ka Sing Chua, National Senior Adviser, Chinese Community Council of Australia.
National Chinese Australian Leaders Group: Maria Chan, Shirley Huang, Dickson Mak, Daphne Lowe Kelley, James Leung, Lee Xj Li,Tony Pang, Kee Guan Saw, Junxi Su, Khoon Tan, Tony Tang, Michael
Yau OAM. Li Zhang, Mark Wang and May Hu, OAM.
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com January 2023 Publication
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and Trump - Two Faces of U.S. Totalitarianism
Amnesty revealed the unpleasant truth
quarter of America's 400 wars have been in the Middle East and Africa
truth for Ukrainians is coming to light
ncalg ccca comm 25 Pelosi Taiwan vist 5Aug2022
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com August 2022 Publication
The Overseas Chinese Space
ccca ncalg No 2022-3 How anti-China West see CHINA
Thgus week comnmenbarty 4June2021
中美角力:亞洲能否引導拜登的對華政策? - 主題演講
Video from Ka Sing Chua
Listen to Chung Wah Association Perth Western Australia by Franco Smargiassi on
No Room for Yellow Elephant
pls. take a minute to help 80-20
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com March 2021 Publication
Vote Won the 2020 Election
Year Greetings from Bidens, made specifically for us
MR Lunar New Year Peace Message
Year Greetings from Bidens, made specifically for us
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com February 2021 Publication
MR mending Australia-China relations
Peace and Prosperity across the Taiwan Straits not war. 31 Jan 2021
Five Eyes, one tongue and hard of hearing – Australia and Asia in China’s
Century - Pearls and IrritationsPearls and Irritat
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com January 2021 Publication
Year 2020, China and History
Scoop: Happy Holidays from SGN!
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com December 2020 Publication
澳洲网_The importance of constructive engagement, dialogue and diplomacy ahead of militarism!
澳洲网_The historical calling of the signing of RCEP Agreement.
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com November 2020 Publication
Republicans Dumping Trump
has SCIENTIFIC consequences
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com October 2020 Publication
Let's work for peace together. Spread the Message.
Politics to Win Our Rights (II)
Poem Bring home our soldiers
Politics to Win Our Rights
Pearls & Irritations daily - on current affairs
This is what we're planning for the 75th
anniversary of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Pictures Are Worth 1,000 Words
Good news!
Pearls & Irritations daily - on current affairs
Endorsing the People’s Call for Healthcare not Warfare
Media Release: 5th June,2020: Peace & justice only possible when racism defeated
au123 & Quiora Racism and covid & SB Woo corro 19 1May2020
Way for Political Self- Empowerment
Latest updates on coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
SUE WAREHAM. Healthcare Not Warfare
it far and wide
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com April 2020 Publication
Apology or Reject Trump, DART
assembly to deny AsAm equal op. in ed.
澳洲网_“Is Sun Yang’s indictment fair when clouded with xenophobic politic and jealousy?
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Latest updates on coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak
Klobuchar Surging Fast
Video from Ka Sing Chua
Video from Ka Sing Chua
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com February 2020 Publication
message to AsAms in Iowa & NH
[IPPNW International Council] NVMP 50 years 26/11-programmafolder livestream
you done your share? If not now, WHEN?
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com January 2020 Publication
Happy Year of the Nurse and the Midwife 2020
this opportunity. May worth reading it twice!
Merry Christmas Greetings from Malaysia
Season Greetings
2020 The World Appeal for Peace
In Australia’s China “debate”, there is no monopoly on
bear heavier burdens. Will you?
political clout? Do your share (6).
GivingTuesday to Prevent Nuclear War
澳洲网_澳内政部长Peter Dutton 说了不该说的话?
澳洲网_澳洲总理Scott Morrison替首位华裔联邦众议员廖婵娥伸冤!
澳洲网_危言耸听 哗众取宠的议员
澳洲网_香港是中国的窗口(6) ——再谈香港的民主政体
澳洲网_香港是中国的窗口(5) ——谈谈文明自由民主的政体和选举制度
your share & take the poll
1 minute poll on YOUR chosen Dem. nominee
political clout? Do your share (3)
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com November 2019 Publication
questionnaire for our next president
lost legally, but GAINED more seats at Harvard. Why?
Hear from Mr Gautam Banerjee, Senior Managing Director and Chairman of Blackstone
Singapore on 13 Nov in Sydney!
Nobel Peace Prize Laureates stand in solidarity with the Climate
in defense of overseas chinese thinking
UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.21)
I support 80-20 EF and 80-20 SuperPAC
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com September 2019 Publication
Help is a 2-way street
[IPPNW International Council] IPPNW Press Release Kashmir
A telling picture!
future begs for AsAm scientists
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com July 2019 Publication
Letter to FBI Director Wray
What will potential war with Iran mean for Australia? | The Canberra Times
sent gifts, our top scientists, to China
UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2019 No.15)
UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.14)
Calling Youths aged 15 to 18 years old to sign up for our youth summer programmes!
Save yourself or be a victim
What is the
most serious consequence of the US government’s suppression of Huawei (from an international perspective)?
Given the claims that China has done some of the following things: steal IP, impose non-tariff barriers, send fentanyl to us disguised as opioid pills, force technology transfer to
them, etc. are we perhaps better off not trading with them?
Why does China (PRC) seem to be in major disputes with so many other entities, including Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, the USA, the UK, the EU and
Australia? Why do they support rogue states such as North Korea?
What areas do you think will be effected by U.S.-China
tensions over trade?
Is adding Huawei to a blacklist sufficient retribution for China's forced transfer of American intellectual property and violation of Iran sanctions?
Chinese telecoms giant Huawei is ready to deal with Washington's crackdown and will reduce its reliance on US components, its founder told Japanese media after President Donald Trump
effectively barred Huawei from the US market. What is your opinion?
Obama's top cybersecurity official is now lobbying for the Government of China, its controversial Huawei subsidiary. Do you see corruption here? Why is the "mainstream media"
Do you agree with the New York Times
on what and who blew up the China-US trade negotiations?
Issued NEW campus-wide Notice
Next China: Meme of the week
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com May 2019 Publication
TO ACTION - protecting innocent Ch-Am scientists
a bloc vote legal?
澳洲网_创建新型的澳中关系 新的机遇新的方向
Article on Anzac Day
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com April 2019 Publication
of a bloc vote!
ANTHONY PUN. A response to Gareth Evan’s article on the bamboo ceiling
SENATOR Penny Wong
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Harvard's Racist?
[IPPNW International Council] Gorbachev on INF, Abolition
Role Models - Sec. Chu & Prof. Chang
[IPPNW International Council] Gorbachev on INF, Abolition
ANTHONY PUN. A relapse of China panic.
Justice Dept. Joined Our Side
took on the HI Report & got the job done
海外华人当自重 尽好公民的义务
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com February 2019 Publication
Celebrate Lunar New Year 2019 with SBS
out Strongly against 1 Part of the HI Report
A political class in denial
[ICAN] Doomsday Clock announcement January 24, 2019
Video from Ka Sing Chua
Video from Ka Sing Chua
C-100 stand up & step up?
Voices of Huarens - ethnic Chinese overseas and in Greater China
: Our shame & perhaps our Downfall
AsAms At A Crucial Time
Bush, Sr. & AsAm history
ANTHONY PUN. A response to Kim Wingerei -. It’s Time for Ethical Politics”
致澳洲总理Scott Morrison的一封公开信 An open letter to Australian Prime Minister The Hon Scott Morrison
各国领袖要多交换治国经验 什么制度最适合人类?
Geroge Will backs EF's View
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澳洲网_“澳中关系非常重要”:Morrison总理有言在先 Australia-China relations are very important : Prime Minister Morrison has spoken!
Helped Harvard, the U.S.A. and all AsAms.
The real Malcolm Turnbull? | Nin, Fairfax & the ACCC | The global super-rich | Why super shouldn’t rise
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com November 2018 Publication
MAPW 2018 October e-News - Victoria
4Corners blows the lid on
the gun lobby
royal bonus
What's love got to do with it? | Chinese spies | Watching a brilliant thinker stretching his mind
Harvard Dirty Trick
Globe-trotting possum-stirrers | And all the week’s other new articles
The curious persistence of Myers–Briggs | Changeless Corbyn | Scandal as Tragedy | Labor and the media gang
super heroes & heroines
That was amazing.
lawsuit highlights/prediction
澳洲网_Anning议员种族主义国会发言哗众取宠 澳洲华人代表蔡家声怎么说?
Chap 2
Multiculturalism Part i
澳洲网_澳洲国会议员最大责任是为民服务 ――兼评自由党党魁政变问题
Ten things you need to know about the economy | How Finland reduced homelessness
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com September 2018 Publication
COURAGE to our repertoire
UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2018 No.20)
The battle for Indo-Pacific
words from Pres. Trump
China’s age of anxiety | $100 million to reduce crime
Anxious China | e-democracy | Reducing crime... and all this week’s other new articles
Accomplished THIS time
UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2018 No.18)
Political Lesson To Be Learned
we STAND (2) - our deficiencies
Inequality: three scanarios | Defending the Family Court | Bill Shorten up close | Who was Captain Cook? | Strange
Why all the fuss over Chinese interference? What are we afraid of?
we STAND (1)
UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2018 No.14)
Your Round-up of MAPW News
Why all the fuss over Chinese interference? What are we afraid of?
UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2018 No.11)
to hear your views
The High Court troika | Victoria's boomtime budget | Genre-busting TV crime...
When Chifley met Nehru | Secret bomb | Fog of war | Growing up | Hell or high waters
UGLY facts of discrimination against AsAms.
Government by numbers | Peter Costello for PM? | Turnbull’s choice | Putin’s bluff...
Returning migrants: the Chinese economy’s next great hope?
Hong Kong's economy looks bleak if trade war intensifies
Russia’s war on history | Politics returns to Myanmar | Operation South Pacific?
to Produce Counter Pressure
has EF served YOU recently?
祝贺中国新一届领导层的诞生:新期待 新希望
China might be seeking to infiltrate our universities in a bid to steal technology is laughable and stems from either ignorance or cultural
you doing enough to empower yourself?
Free speech & the High Court | Misunderstanding Uluru | Who is a composer? | Post-election Timor-Leste & Japan
Crikey Weekender: how The Australian targets its enemies, and the death of political candour
On writing; Trump headlined; One country, two systems... All the week's new articles
news, really
LOWEST success rate in' NSF proposals
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A 3-prong attack on admissions INEQUITY
UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2017 No.21)
80-20 warns Democrats; Yale & Harvard replied
UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2017 No.20)
UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2017 No.17)
Summer Membership Drive, Part 3: Asian Americans in the US: Thoughts
UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2017 No.16)
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com July 2017 Publication
myths that hurt AsAms deeply
"Hong Kong Connect" June issue is out!
This was how discrimination against AsAms was created!
Journey Is Not Over
Overinterpreting Newspoll | The Pope and the camps | Menzies in Clubland | Victoria’s malaise
All the week’s new articles
UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2017 No.10)
Add Your Voice for Bold Climate Action
UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2017 No.09)
These are the wealthiest countries in the world | World Economic Forum
Your Latest Enews
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OS TOUCHPOINT - February 2017
... ready to fight? We are
Gong Xi Fa Cai!
"Hong Kong Connect" January issue is out!
Art of Tax Evasion
A tale of two political systems
Speeches on Contemporary Chinese Foreign Policy and One-Belt-One-Road in Georgia Tech, University of Toronto and Stonybrook
New Year's Resolution!
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[aasc-main] ANNOUNCEMENT: 2017 UCLA Activist-In-Residence Fellows Lisa Hasegawa and Funmilola
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Three ways you can help
[aasc-main] NEW RELEASE | AAPI Nexus Journal: AAPIs 2040 Issues
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Help us build a movement of resistance and hope
The Paris Agreement Is Counting On Us
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Eight Ways to Strengthen Our Democracy Beyond Voting
The three unexpected cross-strait situations
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com November 2016 Publication
Hillary Reacted to 80-20's Endorsement with RESERVATION
Largest AsAm PAC Endorses Hillary Clinton with Reservation
Make your vote count
"Hong Kong Connect" October issue is out!
A special announcement: Celebrate a victory for El Salvador, then defeat the TPP
What is a “foreign” donation? | Talking about music | Low-tech power in Sarawak | Dreams of Hydra
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One-Belt-One Road in English「一帶一路」英文版
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Don’t miss your chance to embrace a low-carbon lifestyle and make Hong Kong walkable
Seize the Golden Opportunity. Don't Vote yet.
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Education spending FAQs (and how the AFL can help) | Dealing with the Senate | Obama’s stoicism | Nouns, verbs and adjectives |
China in Australia
UK Labour’s problem with women | Plus all the week’s new articles
Global Update: Inside The 71st UN General Assembly
My Reflection of a Visit by Peter Mathieson, President of Hong Kong University
"Hong Kong Connect" September issue is out!
[aasc-main] NEWS | Welcome to the 2016-2017 Academic Year! Plus: David Yoo is new VP of IAC, Upcoming Events and more!
[Civic Exchange Newsletter] What's on at the Hong Kong Jockey Club Public Forum?
The geography of school inequality | Whose utopia? | Sully reviewed…
Are You Ready For #2030NOW?
UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2016 No.25)
Are people hunting 'canned lions' in South Africa?
80-20 Delays Its Endorsement & Great News
Seymour Hersh: "Those are impossible questions."
Why Chinese-Indonesians don’t have to hide any longer | South China Morning
[aasc-main] NEW RELEASE | Amerasia Journal 42:2 �� Intergenerational Collaborations:
Graduate Student Scholarship in Asian American Studies
Paul Keating: Australia lacks a foreign policy to negotiate the rise of China
Chinese donors have legit role in Oz politics
The Chinese community used as a "cash cow" by both sides
of politics then ignored
Why we're endorsing "A Vision for Black Lives"
War on sprawl | Whatever happened to the post-election bounce? | Going empirical with Malcolm Roberts | Unfinished business in
Sri Lanka
OS TOUCHPOINT - September 2016
Published articles in quora
"Hong Kong Connect" August issue is out!
80-2O's Delegates are people like you
“Construction of a Common Educational Infrastructure via the One-Belt-One-Road Initiative”
Transcript - Prof Gareth Evan & Prof Hugh White
Panama Papers Reveals US Taxpayers with Offshore Entities
Too CUTE! The Most Adorable BABY ANIMALS in The
World ... and Where YOU Can FIND Them!
You be the judge
Friend, get your early bird tickets today: Only 4 days left.
Sharpening Young Voices and New Ideas
UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2016 No.22)
[Invitation] Walk21 Hong Kong Conference - Register now to ensure your place and save money!
THINK: How DIFFICULT this fight will be?
The Clarion Has Sounded
Over South China Sea, think-tank conflict analysis
Guanxi with Acting CEO of Tourism WA - Mr Gwyn Dolphin
Managing Hiroshima | Vaccination paradox | Health at home
台灣何去何從?(you wrote about this topic before, so it would be of interest to you)
Attorney Client Privilege: Crime Fraud Exception
Executive Newsletter
Infectious Disease: Some Thoughts 傳染病:一些反思
The Most Breathtaking SUNSETS on EARTH Are Revealed: Where to See Sol III's Greatest LIGHT SHOWS That'll Put Others in The Shade!
Protesting hate at the RNC
[Civic Exchange Newsletter] Upcoming Walk21HK Walkshop: Kowloon East - the Making of Hong
Kong's CBD2 (22 July)
Q&A on The Tough Fight Ahead
Why the South China Sea tribunal decision is invalid
Taiwanese lawmakers, fishing flotilla bound for Taiping Island
SONIA Kruger is scared.
Secrets; Regime change; History (mostly) vindicated... All the week's new articles
UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2016 No.20)
EU Issues South China Sea Statement After Failing to Agree Common Stance
Chinese community launches #SayNoToPauline campaign - twenty years after Hanson said Australia was 'being swamped by Asians'
IRS Continues its Search for Offshore Tax Cheats
says it could declare ADIZ over South China Sea
[Invitation] Civic Exchange Seminar Series 8 - Bridges, Back Alleys, and Pavements: Little Things Add Up to Big Vision
[aasc-main] Amerasia Journal Call for Papers: Exhibiting Race and Culture
Rage into ACTION, friends.
2 excellent articles : 妙文共赏
Words from Strongly Dissenting Justices
One-Belt-One-Road: Challenges and Opportunities of Asian Higher Education Institutions一帶一路:亞洲高等學府的機遇與禺戰
[Civic Exchange Newsletter] Are you happy with your city?
The Dream of Red Chamber novel
Stand #WithRefugees
"Hong Kong Connect" June issue is out!
Dragon Boat Festival
中國學者夫妻訪台 嘆:若能選擇 想生活在台灣
Update from the Race Discrimination Commissioner [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Muhammad Ali: Social Change Champion
我所認識的楊福家 The Fujia Yang (楊福家) that I know
[Civic Exchange Newsletter] Upcoming event - One Tale Three Cities: Asian Urban-Wellbeing
Indicators for Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore (28Jun)
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com June 2016 Publication
It's not the end. There's still hope for the Reef:
The Verizon worker victory is just the start
[aasc-main] NEWS | Don Nakanishi Celebration of Life on June 8, Faculty Awards, Congratulations to the Class of 2016
Acceptance of the 2016 Kwoh-Ting Li(李國鼎) Memorial Medal Award at the ATLAS conference
Obama in Hiroshima calls for 'world without nuclear weapons'
The oppression of a civilization
IPP专访 | 郑永年:蔡英文打开了渐进台独的一扇门
The President's Address on 20/5/16
New charges brought on men who killed our colleagues
[aasc-main] This Week: Graduate Student Workshop with Jane Yamashiro, The Suyama Project: Screening of Konrad Aderer's Resistance Tule Lake and
Comments made at “Mechanics, Education and Research Universities: Perspective for the 21st Century”
US 'forcing' countries to take sides over sea arbitration
US senators demand escalation of military confrontation with China
與阿靈頓市德州大學(UTA)校長Vistasp M. Karbhari面談後的一些反思
[aasc-main] NEW RELEASE | Amerasia Journal 42:1 "Carceral States"
Paul Keating welcomes the rise of China
Can Canberra continue strategy of splitting economy, security?
千呼萬喚始出來! Emerging while kicking and screaming!
China’s new role as a Middle East peacemaker
Weekend Edition: The week's best reads
A New Year’s Letter: Opportunities for 2016
A New Year's Letter: From Vision to Action
miracle’ should inspire US fight on poverty
Watch this video, you will be proud being a Chinese....!
Retro Cold War Guff
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com January 2016 Publication
Chasing Dragons: the True History of the Piasa (Chinese Edition)-“Rainbow Dragon” carved into the bluff by members of Admiral Zheng He’s (郑和)
Kishore Mahbubani. What happens when China becomes number one?
The Army of Terracotta Cave!
My article in the Herald Sun today: We need to make ice use socially unacceptable
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com December 2015 Publication
高等教育招生理念, 策略與作法
warning Taiwan voters on independence
raises five-pronged proposal for peace, stability in South China Sea
Face the facts or face World War III
Defeat The Third Jihad: From the Heart of a Muslim
November update on my activities [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Something which touches every citizen in my country
Losing the War with China
Old soldiers never die, they only fade away
Firm reaction for US sea provocation
Opportunities and Challenges for Universities
www.ChinaUSFriendship.com October 2015 Publication
could be Australia’s moment of truth: will we be independent?
China taking its own path toward 'democracy'
China V-Day Parade 2015
中國 內憂外患2
What’s Happening in China?
Call To Stop the Immediate Danger of World War III!
「踏破鐵鞋無覓處, 得來全不費功夫」:在澳門大學與數學大師及「澳門學子」蕭蔭堂相遇
Abe, offer a WWII apology alluding to the shame the West should share
Calling the Chinese to have faith and trust in themselves
Abe is leading Japan further away from peace
蔡建国:抗日胜利70周年 两岸携手共同纪念
Message by Foreign Minister Wang Yi At the Launch Ceremony of The Report on China's Implementation of The Millennium Development Goals
Wading through South China Sea sticking points
「一帶一路」: 澳門大學在此全球龐大改變中何去何從?
If Bronwyn Bishop claimed trip as
official business, she must resign
中国虚擬经济权威学着 成思危 2015/07 病死北京,享年八十 驾鹤归西前 ,吟诗自白
South China Sea claims
South China Sea serenity
Does Japan deserve the bombing of Hiroshima?
shanghai today Jun 2015 - Videos showing great contrast of Shanghai city life to life in China
rural Re: The village and the girl - BBC news
Confronting the Past: America Finally Turns Its Attention to Rampant Racism
Pivot Inabsanity: Why US Goading China?
China Syndrome
Chinese language - 10 major advantages 漢語的十大優勢,本文是對華語最全面科學的闡述!
China be contained?
China’s the reason why U.S. needs the TPP
Revised China 56 Ethnic Groups - Understanding China
migrants unfairly blamed for Australia’s property shutouts
The oppression of a civilization
Collaborating with China is in America’s national interest
My oped in Australian: The case for constitutional recognition
should stay away from South China Sea
New Book on 'Migrant Remittances in South Asia'
Berlin's tough repentance lesson for Tokyo
The Skirmish in the Spratlys Beating Uncle Sam at His Own Game
New wave of China-bashing irresponsible,harmful to Sino-U.S. ties
Book on 'Asian Migration Policy'
Pauline Hanson Again!
Australia should stay out of the South China Sea
Australia should not follow the US into an ill-considered adventure in the South China Sea
Obama is sowing discontent in S.China Sea
Difficult for US to be objective in South China Sea: Duowei
U.S. meddling in South China Sea unjustified, unprofitable
Stop Calling China a Currency Manipulator
U.S. Rebukes China on Efforts to Build Artificial Islands
What Australians really think about a rising China
secretary Dennis Richardson's Blamey Oration
New Book on International Migration and Development in South Asia
History backs China's firm stand on
Correctly understanding Japan’s postwar history
Beijing’s Formidable Strategy in the South China Sea
More than 450 scholars urge Japan to address history issues
2014-11-27 09:40:09 来源:澳洲《联合时报》
US and Australia dangerously deluded about future
Japan’s ‘whitewashing’ of World War II history rankles some
U.S. veterans
Divided loyalties: US bomber comments send unfriendly vibes to China
Proof the U.S. is rotten to the core
Abolishing the world’s worst weapons
US should reflect on its own human right record
‘Father of Singapore’ Lee Kuan Yew
China and Australia Will Grow Closer
Understand the real China from the speech of China President, Mr. Xi Jinping.
Drug mules, death penalty and justice
How China is upsetting the old global economic order
Should Asian Americans be Ac2ve in US poli2cs?
Awakening China's 21st century dragon
From National Institutes of Health to the University of Macau: The Transition of a Top Scientist Chuxia Deng (鄧初夏)
Abe's omissions in Jakarta were 'unwise' step backward, historian says
Should Asian Americans be Ac2ve in US poli2cs?
U.S.-China 21: The Future of U.S.-China Relations Under Xi Jinping
警惕Reclaim Australia的游行示威
Is American MIGHT creating a better world? What is the
Pleasing the emperor
Do YOU Have a GENIUS Level I.Q?! Find Out With a Few of The
Most Fiendish BRAIN-TEASERS Ever!
水秉和 :持有美国密芝根大学的政治学博士学位; 终生为联合国中文秘书处高翻 ,退休后卜居拉斯维斯.
Abe gets negative reviews ahead of U.S. visit
Kevin Rudd: "Are
China & The US Doomed To Conflict?"
Towards a Community of Common Destiny and a New Future for Asia
Martin Jacques: The West should learn from China
U.S. forfeiting its leadership in global finance to China
修正版[三月新貼☆心水子頁]分享: 墨爾本僑功勳錄
這有意思 ... 你認識這個’口’字嗎? 那麼你認識多些’口’字嗎?
Beijing lashes out at Washington’s ‘pirate-style sense of insecurity’
Obama's Libya Debacle
BBC News - The
palace of shame that makes China angry
Witnessing China's transformation: American Dr. Nathan Congdon - CCTV News - CCTV.com
陆克文:勿恶意揣测中国 澳美应加入亚投行
Kevin Rudd on How the US and China Are Correcting Their Trust Deficit
Britain's election fix | Generational change in Timor-Leste | Death in Buenos Aires
A Memorable Evening with a Giant
Japan’s public diplomacy is expensive and errant
With focus on wartime past, Japan's global PR message could misfire
And you wonder why I call Australia home?
Why is the US constantly sowing discord in South ChinaSea?
Shaping China's influence
Lima: the not-so-bad news
2014 Nobel Week Highlights
领导人你干什么 ?
Should China/Hong Kong follow UK’s democracy?
Should the UK monitor Hong Kong’s governance?
Racial Divide: The Tragedy of America's First Black President
Discussion on current Hong Kong issue
那 一 年 的 七 月
It's time to share China's side of the story
Is America Ready for China as an 'Equal Brother?'
The Oppression of a Civilization...
McKell Institute Address – Inclusive Growth
Australia has ringside seat as Obama,
Xi stake claims on Asia Pacific
Australia and the China-US Relationships
My article on the Hong Kong protest
A role for Chinese Australians in promoting Australia-China relations.
觀點:拒絕一國兩制 台灣不是香港
China banking on infrastructure
Whitlam in China
Reflection of Times Higher Education 2014 World Universities Ranking
An appeal by President of Medical Association for Prevention of War
Why the campaign against Islamic State is doomed
The HKG Storm
No US Democracy for China
Hong Kong's "Occupy Central" Fooling No One
Washington Is Destroying The World - Paul Craig Roberts
Can Civilization Survive "Really Existing Capitalism"? An
Interview With Noam Chomsky
China is Hong Kong’s future – not its enemy
Now is the time to act on climate change
CASS Column: Article For 20 September 2014
Visit by Foreign Minister of PCR
Chinese in WWI
Raising a family of true Malaysians By – Prof Dr. Mohamad Tajuddin Mohamad Rasdi
India vs. China 西方民主令印度永远落后中国 2014-09-01。 宋鲁郑
Time For Honesty And Change In Obama's Failed China Policy
毋忘國恥 – 盧溝橋之七七事變
A good article... China's unprecedented quest for a peaceful rise
Mr. Lee Kuan Yew- It's Stupid to be afraid
Bamboo ceiling' blocking Asian Australians, says commissioner
Access Asialink July 2014 - Don't take China for granted says Ambassador, insights on agribusiness and events in your city
China UK new world order
Dear Kasing,
This edition of the Huaren magazine is by far the best of any production I have seen globally.
Obviously, the standard of the magazine, as judged by the caliber of the authors and the content, is sophisticated and intellectual, has jumped leaps and bounds.
Please accept my personal congratulations to a publication, now in the leading edge of the Chinese Diaspora. Keep the standard up and keep it coming.
Congratulations, once again and well done.
Dr Anthony Pun,
National President
Cbinese Community Council of Australia.l
Grievance Debate - Chinese Acknowledgement
Chris Hayes MP – Adjournment – Multiculturalism 25 June 2013
Abe's Article 9 blitz alarms Asia
In Chinese:
In English:
And a companion paper is at:
E-Magazine September 2013
E-Magazine January - May 2013
E-Magazine September 2012
E-Magazine May 2012
E-Magazine January 2012
Chinese Ethical Beliefs
One World, One Dream
China’s 56 Ethnic Groups - Understanding China
A civilization state
New Paradigm of 21st Century Higher Education in East Asia : Governance, Accountability , Autonomy and Globalization
Speech about Governance, Accountability and Autonomy in Higher Education at Macau University International Forum
The U. S .Founders and China
Previous Huaren E-Magazine
E-Magazine September 2011
E-Magazine May 2011 |